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Two New Cases of Meningitis with West-Nile Virus Confirmed in Brăila County: Updates and Recommendations

Brăila Prefecture announces that the specialists of the Public Health Directorate have confirmed two more cases of meningitis with West-Nile virus. It’s about an 83-year-old woman, with an uneventful evolution, who died on September 4, but also about a 62-year-old man, with a favorable evolution.

“The Brăila Public Health Directorate has informed the Prefect’s Institution of Brăila County regarding the confirmation of two new cases of meningitis with West-Nile virus, in two more people from Brăila County”, announces the Brăila Prefecture, according to news.ro

The cited source stated that it is about an 83-year-old woman, with residence and exposure in the town of Ulmu, hospitalized on 01.09.2023, in the Infectious Diseases Department of the Brăila Emergency Clinical Hospital, with a diagnosis of acute Meningitis.

The woman was transferred, on September 2, to the ATI Department of the Brăila Emergency Clinical Hospital, with a severe form of the disease, with an unfavorable evolution.

“On 09/04/2023, the patient died”, announces Brăila Prefecture.

It is also about a 62-year-old man, residing in the village of Plopi and exposed to the floating residence in the locality of Lacu Sărat, on a cattle farm, admitted on 06.09.2023, to the Infectious Diseases Department of the Emergency Clinical Hospital Brăila, with a mild form of the disease, with a favorable evolution.

“We mention that these are the 3rd and 4th confirmed cases of meningitis with West Nile virus on the territory of Brăila County during the surveillance period from June 5 to October 31, 2023,” Brăila Prefecture also stated, stiripesource.ro cites.

DSP Brăila recommends, in case of severe symptoms, emergency presentation to the doctor.

Also, the institution sent to the county medical units that, for any suspicion of meningitis / meningoencephalitis / encephalitis, febrile syndrome of unspecified etiology, the patients in question should be sent to the Infectious Diseases Department of the Brăila County Emergency Clinical Hospital.

Following the confirmation of the two new cases of West Nile meningitis, DSP Brăila recommends to the population:

– wearing clothes with long sleeves and long pants, if we leave the house in the evening or go out to the park in the evening for a walk or when we go to the forest, to fish;

– the use of chemical repellents against mosquitoes sold in pharmacies (DEET, icaridin/picardin, IR 3535), in accordance with the instructions on the label, to be applied on exposed parts of the body;

– preventing mosquitoes from entering the house (protective nets on windows/doors);

– the use of insecticidal substances in and around the home;

– use of air conditioning in the home;

– the use of mosquito nets around the beds, if the other previously mentioned measures are not available or if you sleep outdoors;

– covering the child’s crib or stroller with mosquito nets.

Source: ReplicaOnline.ro

2023-09-13 22:45:27
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