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Two new bachelor’s degrees and four new master’s degrees reach Galician universities | Radio Vigo

The Ministry of Culture, Education and University has just registered in the computer application of the Ministry of Universities the proposal for the offer of new entry places in official bachelor’s and master’s degrees for Galician universities with a view to the academic year 2021/2022, an offer that was agreed with the vice-rectors of degrees of the three Galician universities in meetings held in recent weeks, and that will be official once it is formally ratified in the coming weeks by the General Conference on University Policy.

As main novelties, the Galician University System (SUG) will incorporate two new undergraduate degrees in the Humanities branch and four new university master’s degrees next year. In total, 11,550 places will be offered in undergraduate degrees (67 more than in the current academic year) and 5,162 in master’s degrees (11 more than this academic year).

The offer of places registered in the Ministry includes two new undergraduate degrees in the Humanities branch, one for the University of Santiago de Compostela and another at the University of Vigo. Thus, the Faculty of Humanities of the Lugo Campus (USC) will offer the degree in Cultural Management next year, with 45 places at a rate of 25 in the face-to-face mode and 20 in the blended mode. The teaching of this degree begins the process of extinction of the Degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion.

The other new offer is the degree in Applied Galician and Spanish Philology, which will be taught at the Faculty of Philology and Translation of the Vigo Campus (UVigo). In this case, 50 places are offered and the degree will have two specialties or mentions, which are the Galician Mention and the Spanish Mention. The teaching of this degree begins the process of extinction of the degree in Language Sciences and Literary Studies in the same campus and center.

Likewise, students will be able to take four new master’s degrees at the universities of the Galician Public System next year. This is the university master’s degree in Challenges of Atlantic Cities – jointly between the UDC, the USC, the UVigo-, and the Portuguese universities of Minho, Porto and Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, with six places per university; the university master’s degree in Transnational Business Law and Digital Technologies, also jointly between the USC (10 places) and the University of Minho (20 places); the Erasmus Mundus joint university master’s degree in Sustainability and Industrial 4.0 applied to the maritime sector (with 27 places at the Ferrol Campus, UDC), and the interuniversity master’s degree in Technologies in Marketing and Political Communication, as a new proposal from the Faculty of Political Sciences and Social of the USC (Santiago campus) with 35 places.

Between other modifications, the existing degrees that increase its offer are the degrees of Nursing in the three universities (that add 12 more places in the UDC, 2 in the USC and 17 in the UVigo); and the degrees in Computer Engineering with 24 more places at the UDC (A Coruña Campus) and 25 more at the UVigo (Ourense Campus).

On the other hand, other undergraduate degrees decrease their offer due to the structural oversupply in the university system, such as the Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering at the UDC (Campus Ferrol) with 5 fewer places, and the Bachelor’s degree in Administration and Management of Companies of the USC (Campus Lugo) with 10 fewer places.

Respect for the masters, they stop offering places on Master in Marketing, Consultancy and Political Communication at USC (upon being absorbed by the new offer Master’s Degree in Technologies in Marketing and Political Communication); the master’s degree in business legal advice due to low demand; and the master’s degree in Water Engineering, for not obtaining the renewal of the accreditation, both at the A Coruña Campus (UDC).

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