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Two natural remedies to cure migraines

Migraine that condemns. Those who suffer from it frequently know the consequences more than those who are not used to it. In both cases, the headache is a real sentence. It limits us at work, makes us nervous, prevents us from relating with serenity in society. We are often forced to take the classic pain relief tablet, which, in a short time, frees us from harm. But, at the price of using a medicine anyway, it will then fall on the liver and kidneys. We take this opportunity to remind our readers that even a common headache should not be treated alone, but in agreement with the doctor, or, in any case, with the pharmacist. In this article, our experts suggest two natural remedies to cure migraines or headaches. Provided, of course, that they are not aggressive enough to require medical intervention.

The difference between migraine headaches

Before looking at the two natural remedies to treat migraines together, it is worth analyzing the difference between this and a common headache:


  • migraine is more intense and symptomatic. Often, unlike the common headache, it can even be increased by the light that surrounds us, noise pollution and smells;
  • the headache finds its cause in the too active blood circulation, in the stress and in the accumulation of the nervous system. Beware, however, that we can often also be the cause of headaches with bad eating habits and with little sleep.

In both cases, if the pain persists, we do not hesitate to contact our family doctor or a specialist.

How to intervene

We have said that one of the causes of our headaches is also linked to overeating, especially at dinner, before going to sleep. One of the remedies used since time immemorial is the white willow. In ancient times, evolved and renowned civilizations such as the Egyptian and the Greek, used the white willow as our aspirin. It is in fact a natural pain reliever, without contraindications, but with a high soothing power. Its action counteracts local inflammations, including: cervical tension, headache, low back pain and arthrosis. We find it ready to use in powder extract and tablets, in herbal medicine and pharmacy.

Tea and cloves

Still on the subject of natural remedies, a great combination for headaches and migraines is tea paired with cloves. Let us state immediately however that, in this case, given the presence of caffeine, it is better to consult your doctor before using them. Either way, tea and cloves will calm the nervous system, while dilating blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Two natural remedies to treat migraines, with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving functions.


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