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Two more illegal parties in Lagos and Albufeira with dozens of people

Two illegal parties on the public street yesterday demanded the intervention of the GNR, which recalls that gathering more than 20 people is not allowed, taking into account the rules in force.

Both parties dissipated by the authority had an excess of people, in Barão de São João, in Lagos, and in Albufeira.

In Barão de São João, the party had “live music” and citizens were on the street and “on the terrace consuming alcoholic beverages next to a beverage establishment”, the GNR said in a statement today.

Participants were hindering “the passage of both pedestrians and vehicles”, in addition to the forbidden gathering that took place

The military force had to proceed with the identification of the owner of the establishment and they reminded him “the gathering of more than 20 people is not allowed, taking into account the rules in force”.

The people present at the event followed the instructions of the GNR and ended the party, after the intervention of the authority.

The parties were reported to the authorities by residents due to noise and had “dozens of people”, says the GNR.

Yesterday in Faro, the Minister of Internal Administration, Eduardo Cabrita, promised heavy penalties to anyone who insists on illegal gatherings, saying that the Algarve will not be an exception.

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