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Two million vaccines to South Africa, New York scraps almost all corona measures

A selection of corona news abroad:

  • American pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson will send two million vaccines to before the end of the month South Africa. That is what the president of the country Cyril Ramaphosa said on Tuesday reported via Twitter. Education staff is first vaccinated with the vaccines. Delivery of the doses had been previously announced but had been delayed due to the pharmaceutical company having to destroy millions of vaccines that may have been contaminated. With Johnson & Johnson’s commitment, South Africa is back on track with its vaccination campaign. The country can now prick 150,000 people a day and wants to build that up to 250,000.
  • New York will remove almost all corona measures, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Tuesday. The American state was still a corona fire last year, but now 70 percent of the population has at least had a first shot. Restaurants, offices, gyms, hair salons and other commercial establishments are now no longer obliged to adhere to a maximum number of guests. Also, keeping a distance is no longer mandatory and guests no longer have to leave contact information. People who have not been vaccinated still have to wear a face mask.
  • To relax the corona measures at the border with the United States, Mexico are more likely to vaccinate people who live in that area. Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard announced this on Tuesday said on Twitter. The goal is to be able to give residents the same protection as in American cities, so that no measures are needed. This should relaunch trade, tourism and travel. On Tuesday, pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson promised 1.35 million doses to Mexico, all of which will go to residents of the border region.

This article is also part of our live blog: Vaccination willingness in the Netherlands continues to rise

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