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Two million invested to promote vaccination among Latinos in California


Los Angeles, Mar 30 (EFE News) .- The Latino Community Foundation (LCF) announced this Tuesday an investment of two million dollars to increase vaccination rates against covid-19 among Hispanics in California, the largest group affected by the pandemic in the state.

“We honor Latinos as essential by prioritizing their lives and putting them at the forefront of the line for the vaccine,” Jacqueline Martínez Garcel, LCF executive director, said in a statement.

“We can accelerate equity when we invest in Latino-led organizations and prioritize the economic well-being of those who have put their lives at greatest risk during this pandemic,” added the Hispanic activist.

Upon being the announcement, the LCF noted that Latinos are still woefully behind in access to the vaccine in the state.

As of March 25, only 19.2% of Latinos had received at least one dose of the vaccine, despite representing 56% of COVID-19 cases in California, and 40% of the state’s population, which is around 40 million inhabitants.

Statewide, 57,091 people have died from the virus. Of this number, almost half have been Latino.

California has reported 3,566,464 positive cases as of Tuesday, of which 55.6% correspond to Latinos.

The LCF has its priorities in the Central Valley, an agricultural region with thousands of Hispanic workers who have not yet been vaccinated, and which according to the foundation has the slowest vaccination rates in the entire state, and where part of the financial subsidy.

The funds will also support the work of leaders from the Inland Empire and other communities hardest hit by COVID-19. These are trusted organizations in the community that are working to vaccinate Latinos.

“By working with these organizations, we are building a path forward for communities to heal from the trauma of last year and resurface as a fairer and more equitable California,” Martinez insisted.

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