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Two leaked emails from Musk create reactions

Tesla top Elon Musk is known for making spontaneous statements – especially on Twitter, but also in presentations and interviews.

Now has CNBC received emails he sent that attracted attention; both with positive and negative signs.

Musk says in one of the two messages to all of his employees that if a department head does not execute orders or tell what Musk has said is wrong, they must “resign their position with immediate effect”.

The emails were sent in the same period as Tesla announced a new record in deliveries of 241,300 cars in the third quarter. The company also launched a beta version of fully self-driving cars, which was later paused for safety reasons and several accidents.

However, the Tesla boss is very humane and wants his employees to have a good time at work. It appears from the e-mail he sent to his employees on October 3, which is about music at work.

To: All
From: Elon Musk
Given: Sunday, October 3rd
Subject: Music in the factory

I just wanted to say that I give full support to music in the factory, as well as other small details that make the job more enjoyable.

A worker just sent me a question if we could have an earplug for music so the other ear can listen if something happens. That sounds good to me.

Background music from speakers and also fine as long as there is reasonable agreement between colleagues regarding music choices.

If there is anything else you think will make your day better, do not hesitate to get in touch. I care that you look forward to coming to work every day!

The second is about showing who the boss is:

To: All
From: Elon Musk
Given: Monday, October 4th
Subject: please note

If an email is sent from me with specific guidelines, there are only three decisions allowed by department heads:

  1. Send me an email and explain what I said was incorrect. Sometimes I’m completely wrong!
  2. Ask for further explanation if something I said was unclear
  3. Do the job

If none of the above points are made, department heads will be asked to resign their position with immediate effect.


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