Three innovative companies, two from the Télécom Paris incubator and one from IMT Starter (Télécom SudParis and IMT BS), benefit from honorary loans for a total amount of €110,000, allocated by the actors of the IMT Digital Fund, Initiative Grandes Ecoles and Universities (IGEU), IMT and the Fondation Mines-Télécom.
Our two young innovative companies benefiting from these loans are:
- Evidence offers “AI model explainability” solutions. The next European AI Act regulation will oblige companies to have some of their “black boxes” certified, mainly by explaining how they work. The idea of the product is to decompose an opaque model into simpler and explainable sub-models.
- Yami develops a no-code SaaS solution for insurers and brokers. The Asekur solution enables the rapid creation and distribution of insurance products, while automating the management of policies, payments and claims thanks to artificial intelligence algorithms.
Thirty loans are granted each year to young entrepreneurs from IMT school incubators. They are without interest and without personal guarantee. More than 150 business creations have been supported since 2012. The IMT Digital Honor Loan Fund is co-financed by the Mines-Telecom Foundation, Bpifrance et Revital’Emploi
With the support of the major program partners of the Fondation Mines-Télécom:
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