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Two girls lost their lives during the Belgian rally stage

The accident of local drivers Emerick Rary and Fabrice Henry on the stage of the Konrdoz rally in Belgium ended very sadly.

It is reported that two bystanders died in the tragic accident: girls aged 16 and eighteen, whose names, of course, were not revealed. In addition to the dead, nine other people were injured in the accident, including Henry and Rari.

None of these people are currently in critical condition.

The versions on the reasons for the crash differ. An eyewitness explained to the RTL television channel that the accident occurred after the vehicle made contact with the road fence, as a result of which the vehicle blew up and flew into the audience. There is also a version in which the driver lost control of the car due to a slippery road.

Unfortunately, it was reported that the vehicle landed in a place where spectators were not supposed to be, but remained nonetheless.

This is the fourth time in the last 20 years that lives have been lost due to an accident at the Kondroza rally. Due to the tragedy, the competition awards ceremony was canceled.

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