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two firefighters save two passengers from a car that has fallen into a canal

The vehicle of the two victims fell into the icy water of the canal shortly before one in the morning for an unknown reason.

One of the two occupants of the car, a 25-year-old man, managed to extricate himself from the vehicle but was still in the water when help arrived. Two firefighters first on the scene in an ambulance dived to rescue him, managing to bring him back to the shore. He was hospitalized with hypothermia.

In cardio-respiratory arrest

Another man was for his part stuck in the car, submerged under water: it was the firefighters who went looking for him, managing to bring the victim back to the shore. In cardio-respiratory arrest, the man received cardiac massage on the spot, before being medicalized by the Samu and evacuated in serious condition to the Mulhouse hospital.

Also in hypothermia, the first two firefighters, aged 27 and 33, who jumped into the water were warmed up on the spot and examined by a doctor from Samu, without being hospitalized.

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