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Two famous Basque and Catalan writers attack the ‘Celaá Law’

One of the most controversial aspects has caused the Organic Law of Modification of the LOE, better known as ‘Celaá Law’, is the elimination of Spanish as a vehicular language in those autonomous communities with co-official languages. This is undoubtedly the price paid by the Government of the PSOE and We can to the independence movement to achieve their support for this new educational legislation, which has not taken into account the needs families and the educational community has also been silenced, which has not been heard in the Congress of Deputies during the parliamentary process of approval of the LOMLOE.

On the thorny issue of the preserve to the language of Cervantes two of the best-selling writers in our country and who have received the most awards for their works and trajectory literary: the Catalan Nuria Amat and the basque Jon Juaristi. Both have gone through the microphones of Weekend of COPE to explain the reason for his rejection of the Celaá Law.

A manifesto that demands “strict compliance with the Constitution”

Amat and Juaristi are part of the collective of writers who have published a manifesto in which they “rebel” against the new Law of education because they consider that it paves the way for the “eradication” of the Spanish language from teaching. A manifesto in which they demand “strict compliance with the Constitution and protection effective of the right of all Spaniards to know and use the Spanish language “, yes,” without prejudice and from the greatest respect, appreciation and affection to the use of the rest of tongues spoken in Spain “.

In conversation with the presenter of Weekend, Cristina López Schlichting, Nuria Amat has stated that “We have a special wealth in Spain which is the bilingualism, and now we have reached a limit that cannot be supported, “who added that” Writers are not banks that can move to any Spanish capital, we are the voice, the language and the thought, what all nationalisms kill first “.

In this sense, Amat has counted some “startling” anecdotes, like the cornering that he has suffered for not being a nationalist: “They corner you, they told me that since I am anti-independence or nationalist and I speak, i will sell less”.

Amat has also underlined, in this regard, the fact that only four of the signers of the manifesto are Catalan: “They are managing to silence, but in a very subtle way, it is not fear.”

For its part, Jon Juaristi, has been pronounced in these terms: “In the Basque Country most people spoke in Spanish, the Basque it is a very language minorityIn fact, the nationalists complain that after pharaonic investments in Basque there has not been a notable increase “.

Juaristi, who several years ago headed the National Library and, later, the Cervantes Institute, has launched this criticism of the Government for allowing those who want to break Spain to attack the Spanish: “It is curious that Celáa has drawn up this law at the request of the nationalists e independentists Catalans and not Basques, who are there and are intuitive enough to know that one impose immersion linguistics it would cause an immediate disaster in the Basque Country “.

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