UDINE. In the detail of the data of November 5 on Covid-19 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the 9 deaths concern 6 women (one 93 years old and one 92 years old both from Tarcento who died in a nursing home; a 76 year old from Aviano who died in hospital in Pordenone; a 97-year-old from Majano who died in a retirement home; a 91-year-old and a 93-year-old from Trieste who died respectively in a nursing home and RSA) and 3 men (one 89 years old from Morsano al Tagliamento and one of 82 of San Quirino both died in hospital in Pordenone and one of 75 of Trieste who died in hospital in Trieste, where he was hospitalized in the intensive care unit).
This was announced by the deputy governor with responsibility for the Health of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Riccardo Riccardi.
As regards the new positivity to the virus, in the sector of residences for the elderly, 19 cases of people housed in regional structures were detected, while health workers who were infected within these structures amounted to 4.
As regards the regional health system (SSR), the positivity to Covid-19 of a doctor, a psychologist, 5 nurses, an Oss and an administrative employee must be registered with the Friuli Centrale university health authority; a doctor, 9 nurses, 2 Oss, 3 administrative collaborators, a pharmacist, a midwife, a radiologist and a driver at the University Healthcare Company Giuliano Isontina 6 nurses, 7 Oss, a midwife and a psychologist to the Friuli Occidentale health agency. There is also an Oss of the Cro of Aviano and an Oss of the Irccs Burlo Garofolo of Trieste.
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