The two men used bits of toothbrushes to gouge a hole in their prison cell.
By Le Figaro with AFP
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Armed with bits of toothbrushes, two American prisoners managed to create a hole in a wall, escape from prison and walk several kilometers to a restaurant in pancakes where they were captured, local police announced on Tuesday, March 21.
Guards at Newport News prison in Virginia, in the eastern United States, were surprised to find John Garza, 37, and Arley Nemo, 43, missing on Monday March 20 at around 7:15 p.m. authorities said in a statement.
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A Hole in the Jail
The prisoners succeeded in exploiting “a flawin the structure of the prison building, using tools created from a toothbrush and a metal object to dislodge loose fittings in a wall, said the police. They thus succeeded in forming a hole through which they slipped and then climbed the enclosure of the prison.
The run, however, was short-lived. After walking several miles, the two fugitives reached an International House of Pancakes (IHOP) chain pancake restaurant in nearby Hampton where they were captured Tuesday morning, police said.
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«I thank the citizens who saw Garza and Nemo in the IHOP and notified law enforcementsaid Newport News Sheriff Gabe Morgan, quoted in the statement. John Garza was in detention in particular for violation of his probationary period and Arley Nemo for bank card fraud, forgery and use of forgery, theft and concealment of stolen property.