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Two defeats, a nice surprise for C’Chartres Chess

The C’Chartres Échecs team faced the three best teams of the top 12, during the third day of the competition, which brings together, for eleven days, the twelve best French chess clubs (our previous editions), in Châlons -in-Champagne (Marne).
François Gilles, president of the Chartres club, looks back on this delicate day: “It was complicated for us today. Chance made us face Asnières-sur-Seine, Mulhouse and Châlons-en-Champagne, the three best teams in the tournament, on the same day. “

“Draw the positive”

The ten players of the Chartres club lost twice, against Asnières and Châlons, and won once, against Mulhouse, continues François Gilles: “We are still happy because we are a young team and we managed to beat the third best French team. “

Despite these two defeats, “the efforts and the performances provided are encouraging. We played very good games, it was pretty tight ”.
At the end of this Top 12, Sunday July 4, the team with the most points will win.

“Today, we lost two points in the standings,” laments François Gilles. “But tomorrow is another day, probably better than yesterday. Now that we’ve got through a good chunk of the stronger teams, we’re going to be able to try and score points against the affordable teams. “

This Sunday, C’Chartres Échecs will start as favorite against Paris. François Gilles concludes on a positive note: “We are discovering the competition, this is the first time that we have taken part in it. It’s interesting to see young Marc’Andria Maurizzi confronting experienced players. In any case, we only get positive things from it. It’s a great experience! “
White Floremia

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