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Two children hindered her: This beloved actress of the golden cinema abandoned her children to succeed

María de la Concepción Macedo Guzmán, better known as Rita Macedohad the dream of becoming a recognized actress and was willing to do whatever was necessary for that, even leaving aside her two children.

After marrying the producer Louis de Llano Palmer and father two children with him, both decided to separate, so they were only united before the law for three years.

This was made known by their son, Louis of Llanoon The Interview with Yordi Rosado. The problem between the two, he indicated, was that they lived with completely opposite perspectives on each other.

She said her stemhad the dream of succeeding in show business, while Llano Palmer he had come to the country as a Spanish exile accustomed to a more conservative life.

At the time of separating, his parental authority was given to his mother and that of Julissa to your father. However, Luis lived during his first years of life with his grandmother.

“My mother was starting her career, she wanted to be an actress, so two children were in her way,” she said.

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The actress was one of the most successful in the industry.

The producer said that his sister ultimately stayed with her paternal grandparents, since her father went to live in New York to work on various projects in state joined.

“I lived with my grandmother, my grandmother was wonderful,” he said.

“She was a great writer, 50 years ahead of her time. She wrote a book about divorce in her 40s,” he added.

This work, Luis said, was the reason why his grandmother, Julia Guzman Esparzawas almost expelled from the country, but also gave her daughter her first chance at the movies.

was the manager Mauricio of the Serna who in 1941 was interested in bringing this story to the big screen. When he met the author he also saw Rita Macedowhom he asked to collaborate with him on the film Adam’s Five Nights.

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This opened the panorama of what was then known as Conchita Macedo, who at that time had not yet become a mother. In the end, the artist achieved her goal and participated in projects as an actress, dressmaker or producer.

Although neither of them saw their parents frequently, both were financially supported by both of them. with his dad, he said, he used to walk with them on weekends. During adolescence, he said, he was taken to a military school in Texas, United States.

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