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Two celestial bodies collide, astronomers observe the ruins

KOMPAS.com – Outer space can be a cruel place. things outer space collide with each other, cause destruction or lead to formation extraterrestrial objects another larger one.

Scientists have recently succeeded in revealing evidence of a collision between two celestial bodies that may be the size of asteroid giant or mini planet.

Space object collision it leaves space dust the size of star a large one that can be observed by astronomers.

This event also allowed astronomers to gather evidence of the collision and learn about the objects involved.

As quoted from CNNWednesday (23/3/2022) a team of astronomers began routinely observing HD 166191, a star 10 million years old and 388 light-years away similar to the Sun.

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Astronomically, this space object is a fairly young star. At that age, planetesimals (system Solar system) often form around stars.

These orbiting clumps of star-forming dust can become rocky bodies, collect matter, grow in size, and eventually turn into planets.

The gas needed for star formation then spreads over time between the planetesimals and puts the objects at greater risk of crashing into each other.

With the event two space objects collide After observing this, the research team also considered the possibility of witnessing a celestial collision event if they continued to observe HD 166191.

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Using the Telescope Outer Space Spitzer, astronomer made more than 100 star observations between 2015 and 2019.

The observations finally paid off in which astronomers managed to observe space dust that stretched to hundreds of times the size of stars.

To create such a large dust cloud, astronomers think it was the result of the collision of two objects the size of Vesta, a giant asteroid measuring 530 kilometers across.

When these two celestial bodies collide, they generate enough heat and energy to vaporize debris.

Fragments from the collision likely also hit other small objects orbiting HD 166191, contributing to the formation of the dust cloud.

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“By looking at the dusty debris around young stars, we can basically look back in time and see the processes that may have formed solar system ourselves,” said Kate Su, lead author of the study.

He also revealed learning about the results space object collision in this system could provide better insight into how often rocky planets form around other stars.

The research team is continuing to monitor the star using other infrared observatories and anticipate observing new types of collisions using the James Webb Space Telescope, launched last December.

The results of these observations of two celestial bodies colliding have been published in the journal The Astrophysical Journal.

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