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Two brutal attacks on women in Berlin

Berlin. A car driver had an accident near Großbeeren, and in Charlottenburg an unknown person insulted a young woman wearing a headscarf.

  • A 30-year-old is seriously injured in an argument
  • Neukölln: Man stabbed in the neck with a cutter knife – dies in hospital
  • Argument in Wedding escalates – man injured with knife
  • Man attacks woman in Niederschöneweide with stone
  • Friedrichshain: Men drag woman to the ground by her hair
  • 65-year-old man has accident on country road in Teltow-Fläming

Here you can find the latest reports from the police and fire brigade in Berlin and Brandenburg in the news blog. You can find the reports from the previous day here.

Blue light news from Berlin and Brandenburg from August 12, 2024: Argument escalates – man is critically injured

18.40: This morning a man was killed in a brawl critically injured. According to the police, the emergency services were alerted to an injured man in Gesundbrunnen shortly before 8 a.m. According to current information, a physical altercation took place between the 30-year-old and two men aged 36 and 37 in a bar on Prinzenallee, during which the 30-year-old suffered life-threatening injuries.

Emergency services were alerted and took the injured man to a hospital for inpatient treatment, where he emergency surgery The other two men were arrested. The investigation is ongoing.

Closure on A12 after accident – ​​three injured

16:56: After an accident, the Autobahn 12 in the direction of Frankfurt (Oder) is closed between Fürstenwalde-Ost and Briesen(Oder). According to a police spokesman, three people were injured in the car accident this afternoon – a 40-year-old man and a seven-year-old girl seriously.

According to reports, the 40-year-old overtook another car and grazed it when pulling back in. The man’s car then left the road and rolled over several times, it was reported. According to reports, a total of four people were in the second car. The 42-year-old driver was slightly injured in the accident, according to police.

Man beats opponent unconscious with baseball bat in Reinickendorf

16:19: During an argument, a man in Reinickendorf brutally beat a 47-year-old with a baseball bat until he was unconscious and seriously injured. The victim was taken to hospital on Sunday evening and the suspected perpetrator was arrested by the police, it was reported.

The two men argued in the Wittenau district on Eichborndamm. The 51-year-old attacker is said to have hit the 47-year-old man several times on the head with a baseball bat, causing him to fall to the ground unconscious. A federal police officer detained the suspect and handed him over to the Berlin police.

Public prosecutor investigates child abuse

2.38 p.m.: The public prosecutor’s office in Potsdam is investigating two suspects following an incident at the adult education center in Brandenburg an der Havel. They are accused of mistreating those in their care, a spokeswoman for the public prosecutor’s office in Potsdam said when asked. The “Märkische Allgemeine” newspaper was the first to report this.

The crime is said to have taken place at the end of July. The spokeswoman did not provide any information about the possible offence. According to media reports, educators at the institution are said to have mistreated a boy. The VHS educational institute says it is involved in child and youth welfare at various locations.

Stabbed in the neck with a cutter knife – man dies in hospital

2.21pm: A man who was attacked with a knife in Neukölln last Friday died in a hospital on Sunday. “An arrest warrant has been issued against the suspect at the request of the Berlin public prosecutor’s office,” police said. The 39-year-old had inflicted life-threatening injuries on the 34-year-old’s neck with a knife. The man’s life was still in danger after an operation. He had to be resuscitated even before the operation.

According to the police, the men knew each other. They had gotten into an argument and, according to initial findings, the 39-year-old pulled out a knife. He initially fled, but reportedly later turned himself in to the police. According to the police, he had the suspected murder weapon – a cutter knife – with him.

Man attacks woman in Niederschöneweide with stone

13:17: A man injured a woman on Sunday in Niederschöneweide (Treptow-Köpenick). The 58-year-old was walking in the forecourt of the Schöneweide S-Bahn station at around 6:15 p.m. when a 31-year-old threw a paving stone at her. When he missed, he ran after her. He pulled her to the ground and hit her several times on the head with a paving stone.

Rescue workers took them to a hospital. The man was arrested and taken into police custody on the basis of an outstanding arrest warrant, where he was also fingerprinted. A specialist department of Police Directorate 3 (East) took over the further investigation.

Friedrichshain: Men drag woman to the ground by her hair

13.11: A woman was attacked by unknown assailants last night in Friedrichshain. The 25-year-old was walking on the sidewalk of Wilhelm-Stolze-Strasse at around 10:30 p.m. when two men approached her from behind. According to police reports, the men pulled her to the ground by her loose hair and hit her head on the sidewalk several times. Lying on the ground, she screamed loudly and called for help. The attackers then let her go and fled. Rescue workers took the woman to a hospital with bruises on her head. A specialist department of Police Directorate 5 took over the further investigation.

Argument in Wedding escalates – man injured with knife

13:05: A man was injured with a knife in an altercation in Wedding (centre) on Sunday. According to the police, a 30-year-old and a 40-year-old got into an argument on Leopoldplatz. This culminated in a physical altercation. Other men joined in the fight. Finally, the 40-year-old attacked the 30-year-old with a knife. He injured his thigh. The man was taken to hospital and operated on. The 40-year-old refused treatment for his injuries and was taken into police custody for identification purposes and a blood sample. The investigation is ongoing.

Conclusion: Only isolated right-wing extremist incidents at the European Football Championship

12.03 pm: During the European Football Championship in June and July, only isolated right-wing extremist and racist statements and incidents were noticed in Berlin. The police counted ten crimes with a corresponding background in connection with the European Championship, according to a response from the Senate to a query from the Left Party. These included propaganda crimes, incitement and defamation. Specific European Championship games or locations of the incidents were not specified, but according to the police, most of the crimes took place in the Tiergarten, where the fan zones were located, and in the Westend district, where the Olympic Stadium is located.

15 suspects were temporarily arrested on suspicion of using symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organizations and incitement to hatred. No particular activities of right-wing extremist organizations or activists were noticed.

Flags of countries that were not participating, such as Israeli, Palestinian and Russian flags, were not allowed in the European Championship fan zones. This was intended to help reduce the potential for conflict.

Explosion on cement factory site in Rüdersdorf near Berlin

11.23 am: On Monday morning, a fire broke out after an explosion on the premises of a cement factory in the Märkisch-Oderland district. According to a spokeswoman for the Oderland regional control center, the cause of the explosion on a truck on the company premises in Rüdersdorf near Berlin is still unknown. According to initial findings, the vehicle was loaded with coal dust. According to the spokeswoman, the fire-fighting operations have already been completed. According to the information, no one was injured. The police are now investigating the cause of the fire. The Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung first reported on the incident.

Cyclist swerves to avoid jogger in Marzahn and crashes into sign – resuscitation

10.59 am: A cyclist was injured in an accident in Marzahn on Sunday. According to the police, the 54-year-old was on the sidewalk of Gehrenseestrasse in the direction of Malchower Weg at around 11.40 a.m. Shortly before the Gehrenseestrasse S-Bahn station, he swerved to avoid a jogger, drove around a construction site sign and then crashed into the post of a street sign. He fell off his bike. The 54-year-old suffered a head injury.

A police officer who happened to be driving past the scene of the accident administered first aid. During the treatment, the cyclist lost consciousness and was resuscitated by the officer. An emergency doctor took over the treatment. The man was then taken to hospital. Further investigations into the traffic accident are being conducted by Police Directorate 3 (East).

Anti-queer attack in Mitte – suspects flee

9.24 am: Last night there was an anti-queer attack in Mitte. As the police announced on Monday, a 23-year-old person was in a fast food restaurant at the Friedrichstrasse S-Bahn station at around 2:30 a.m. First there was an argument with two unknown men, who then attacked and insulted the person. One of the suspects held the 23-year-old person while the other punched the person in the face. The suspects then left the restaurant. State security has taken over further investigations.

Car crashes into motorhome – eight injured

9.13 am: Eight people were injured in a head-on collision between a car and a camper van on the B105 in the Rostock district. Among them were four children, the police said. According to initial findings, the 46-year-old driver had veered left into oncoming traffic on the B105 near Häschendorf in the late afternoon. There he crashed head-on into an oncoming camper van belonging to a family of five from Berlin. A 47-year-old woman was seriously injured in the collision. A 52-year-old man and children aged 7, 13 and 15 were also in the holiday vehicle. They were slightly injured.

The driver of the accident and two 5 and 8 year old children in his car also escaped with minor injuries. The rescue services were deployed with five ambulances, an emergency doctor, a rescue helicopter and a volunteer fire department vehicle. The B105 remained completely closed for four hours. The police estimate the material damage at around 30,000 euros.

Unknown man insults young people wearing headscarves in Charlottenburg

8.58 am: A young girl was insulted in Charlottenburg on Sunday. The 14-year-old told the police that she had been insulted and threatened by an unknown man at the Zoologischer Garten subway station at around 3:20 p.m. because of her headscarf. The unknown man fled before the police arrived. State security has taken over the further investigation.

Man drives car into tree in Teltow-Fläming and dies

The car was completely destroyed.
© Pudwell | Pudwell

5.52 am: A 65-year-old man drove his car into a tree in the Teltow-Fläming district and died. The incident occurred around 0.30 a.m. on Monday on a country road in Großbeeren occurred, as the police reported. How this happened was initially unclear.

Woman dies in apartment fire in Friedrichsfelde

Flames are blazing from the apartment.
© Pudwell | Pudwell

4.09 am: A person died in a fire in an apartment in Friedrichsfelde (Lichtenberg). In Rhinstraße There was a fire on the first floor of a ten-story apartment building, according to the fire department. The emergency services were alerted by residents at around 1:30 a.m. on Monday. They rescued a person from the burning apartment and resuscitated him – but without success, said a fire department spokesman. According to the police, the dead person was a 94-year-old woman.

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