Home » today » Health » Two blood drives in Carhaix, Tuesday April 13 and Wednesday April 14, 2021 – Carhaix

Two blood drives in Carhaix, Tuesday April 13 and Wednesday April 14, 2021 – Carhaix

A new blood drive is scheduled at the Halles de Carhaix on Tuesday April 13 and Wednesday April 14, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. As with previous blood drives, however, you will need to register first on the site of the French Blood Establishment (EFS).

“Fragile reserves”

“In this period of health crisis, reserves are increasingly fragile due to the drop in attendance at Donation Centers and mobile blood drives. Blood donations must therefore continue to meet the needs of patients, ”says Rania Mattar, of the French Blood Establishment in Brittany.

The current health situation prevents the organization of mobile blood drives in the region, especially in universities and companies, due to the spread of teleworking. Municipal halls, for their part, are highly coveted as part of the vaccination campaign. “These different factors lead to a sharp decrease in blood reserves. This trend is likely to be accentuated by the public holidays in the weeks to come. Blood reserves today are below the 100,000 blood bag mark, whereas they would have to reach 110,000 to allow the EFS to guarantee its mission to patients in a serene manner. In Brittany, 600 blood donations are needed every day, ”adds Rania Mattar.

From 18 to 70 years old

In the vast majority of cases, it is possible to donate blood after an injection of the covid-19 vaccine, without any postponement period to be observed. In the current pandemic context, donors are asked not to go to the collection in the event of flu-like symptoms, to respect barrier gestures. In addition, it is necessary to be between 18 and 70 years old and weigh at least 50 kg.

An identity document is mandatory for each donor, who must not come on an empty stomach. If the donation requires returning home after the curfew, donors must bring a certificate mentioning “help to vulnerable people”.


Inscriptions on www.dondesang.efs.sante.fr “Online appointment” section.

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