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Twitter will soon have 4,000-character tweets

A few weeks ago Elon Musk dropped it Twitter would introduce tweets with up to 4,000 characters. This promise from the owner of the social network is already very close to becoming a reality. It is expected that in a few weeks it will be possible to upload this type of content to the platform. At the beginning of February it should already be a reality.

Twitter prepares for tweets of 4,000 characters

This tries to help users express their ideas in the same tweet, reducing the creation of threads or without having to resort to other apps to do it.

longer tweets

Twitter will display these tweets of up to 4,000 characters in a slightly different way in the feed. They will have the same screen real estate as other tweets. For this, a button to read or see more will be introduced. This means that you can see the first few words or lines of the tweet in question. If we want to see the message in its entirety, we will therefore have to click on the said button. Then we will have access to all content.

In addition, the social network will also introduce a set of new text editing tools. You can adjust the text size or use options such as bold or underline. These were options that many wanted to have, which will soon be possible when a new tweet is written.

Twitter already displays the number of views on tweets

Twitter expects these new, longer tweets to come true within weeks. As Elon Musk said, this new feature should be ready in early February. It is not known whether it will be the first in testing or whether it will be launched directly for all users of the social network. We will have to wait for more details in the coming days.

Photo by Eder Ferreno

Eder Ferreño

Bilbao graduated in Marketing. He loves travelling, cinema and reading.

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