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Twitter wants to auction off usernames online

Twitter He is still looking for ways to monetize on an ongoing basis to generate more revenue and is now thinking of auctioning off usernames.

In accordance with The New York Times, Twitter You are thinking of creating auctions on inactive account lines and keeping a small percentage as commission.

Auctions on Twitter

The username of Twitter it is the one that appears after the “@” and, unlike the profile name, cannot be changed.

Twitter it contains a large number of accounts that have been inactive for years, and no one else can take the usernames.

Last month, Musk said the platform would “soon start freeing up the namespace of 1.5 billion accounts,” though he did not mention any plans to sell them to the highest bidder. He also did not disclose on what basis Twitter consider an account to be inactive.

You would also have to decide whether to auction off all inactive accounts or just those that the company believes have significant monetary value.

Of course, dozens of transactions have already been carried out on the black market since the service was launched in 2006.

Wants money

Elon Musk, new CEO of Twitterspent 44 billion on the purchase of the social network.

Among all the changes he made in his first weeks at the company, he pointed out that he would reduce all operating expenses, even removing the cleaning service in the offices.

It also detailed new forms of monetization such as the controversial blue verification symbol for its Twitter Blue service.

The sources of the outlet that reported this news point out that the idea of ​​auctioning names initially arose in December and is still being discussed.

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