Home » today » News » Twitter users judge what police should have done when they arrested a naked woman with a knife – Criminal – News

Twitter users judge what police should have done when they arrested a naked woman with a knife – Criminal – News

TVNET has already written that a naked woman with a knife was detained on Wednesday, on the embankment of November 11, in Riga.

As can be seen in a video posted by a Facebook user, which is no longer available, the woman is originally on her knees with a knife in her hand. The woman puts the knife on the pavement and the municipal police officer pushes it aside.

The naked woman is then laid on the ground.

The police explain the circumstances of the incident.

Toms Sadovskis, a representative of the Riga Municipal Police, told the TVNET portal that while patrolling the Old Town on Wednesday, shortly after 11:00, Riga Municipal police officers noticed a naked, blood-stained woman holding a knife on the street.

The woman was detained and handed over to doctors. It was found out that before that the woman had been in an apartment in Old Riga together with a man.

Arriving at the apartment, the policemen met a man who also had obvious injuries. The man was also placed in medical care.

Information about what happened has been handed over to the State Police. Currently, the State Police is working at the scene and continues to explain the circumstances of what happened.

In its turn, the State Police indicated to the portal TVNET that in the apartment where the State Police carried out operative measures, it was possible to find narcotic substances for which an examination had been ordered – criminal proceedings have been initiated under Article 253 of the Criminal Law on illicit manufacture, acquisition, , transportation and transfer.

The police are currently continuing to work and explain the exact circumstances of what happened.


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