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Twitter, the Sardine Ruisseau case and the slow death of freedom of expression

“Sardine Ruisseau” (@sandruisseau) was, until July 22, 2022, a parody account that hijacked the image of MP Sandrine Rousseau. No insults, no threats, just mockery and absurdity.

It must be said that Ms. Rousseau sometimes stretches the stick to get beaten with blundering tweets: a tribute to “Jean-Pierre” Belmondo on the day of his death and lunar television interventions. We remember her “deconstructed man” with whom she is very happy or the Afghan terrorists who would be better off in France because it “allows us to monitor them”.

The account has not been censored

But a few days ago, the account disappeared. Like that without warning. Of course people on the other side of the political spectrum are crying out for censorship, but that’s not the case: the account was simply suspended by its author.

sardine creek
This is what the profile of “Sardine” looked like. We love the Swedish flag…

Perhaps “Sardine” simply got tired of making fun of poor Sandrine, perhaps the author was pressured. For the moment we do not know. Yet on the Internet we see very disturbing articles with titles like ” No, the Sardine Ruisseau account was not censored by Twitter (and it’s unfortunate) So is censorship acceptable to some journalists?

Where is Charlie ?

But we know that since Musk wanted to take the reins of Twitter (the story is not over), some users are afraid of losing their nice cocoon of benevolence. Above all, we should not meet with “the others” to avoid confronting their ideas.

And for this radical fringe of Twitter, Sardine Ruisseau is not a parody account, it’s a “cyberbullying from the far right” or an account of “fachosphere” for Senator EELV Mélanie Vogel. A little effort and we will reach the point Godwin. Where is this descending left of “it is forbidden to forbid”, where are the “Je suis Charlie”? Admittedly, it has often happened that the “Sardine Ruisseau” account is taken for the real thing, and that this leads a whole bunch of neuneus to copiously insult the deputy. To avoid confusion between the real and the fake account, the author had however put forward the word “Parody” and had changed the profile image.

The art of victimization

Let’s not forget that parody is a French “art” which is protected by law and is one of the exceptions when it comes to copyright. The parody account was still a short time ago in the top 5 Twitter accounts to follow to have a good day according to Dauphine Libere.

Of course, cyberbullying is wrong. But when you’re an adult and a public person, you must be able to take a few tweets from idiots who don’t have much to do with their day, right? Otherwise, you have to change careers.

For a wrong word, Gaston Defferre and René Ribière took out their swords. Now we click on the “Report” button, we pose as a victim and whoever disagrees with you becomes a “fascist”.

Welcome to the Internet in 2022.

” – Fool !
– Fascist!
– Hein ? »

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