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Twitter Tests New Features! Can Users Dislike Tweet Replies? – All Pages

Foto: Twitter @TwitterSupport

Upvote and downvote feature on Twitter

CewekBanget.ID – Recently, platform social media Twitter try out the latest features.

Through this feature, Twitter carry system upvote and downvote so that users can signal that they like or dislike a reply or response to something tweet.

Development company Twitter also stated that this feature will be different from platform other social media that have already implemented the system upvote and downvote, quoted from Android Central (22/7/2021).

How are you, Twitter’s newest feature this one? Kepoin first, come on!

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Features Upvote and Downvote

Twitter has just tested its newest feature on Wednesday (21/7/2021) local time.

In this trial, Twitter introduced the button upvote and downvote on reply (reply) tweet someone.

According to a statement from the official Twitter Support account, some iPhone users may be able to see this new feature.

In addition, we will not be able to see the number of numbers on the ‘dislike button (dislike / downvote)’, but a number will appear on the ‘like (like / upvote)’.

The button with the thumbs up and thumbs down symbol is claimed to provide an opportunity for Twitter users to determine the quality of a reply tweet without embarrassing the sender of the reply.

Not a Facility Dislike Tweet

Although literally a button in Twitter’s newest feature allows us to ‘dislike’ a reply tweet, Twitter emphasizes that the button is different from the notion of ‘dislike‘ on social media in general.

Features upvote and downvote this serves more to determine which response is most relevant to tweet main.

So even if it doesn’t change the order of replies on a tweet, we can see which response works best for other users.

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Reducing Hate Comments

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System implementation upvote and downvote judged to be able to make social media more humane.

Television star Aston Kutcher also argues that the addition of the . button dislikecan reduce the number of hate comments that are circulating on social media, as reported by CNET on Friday (23/7/2021).

Even though Twitter not sure when they will officially launch this feature, hopefully we can use it wisely, yes, girls!

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