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Twitter Removes “State-Affiliated Media” Labels from Numerous Large Media Accounts


The social network had incorporated this measure at the beginning of this week

Elon Musk’s Twitter account.CHRIS DELMASAFP
  • television RTVE transfers to Twitter its “total disagreement” with the decision to include the label “media financed by the Government” in its account

Twitter ha deleted las “State-affiliated media” labels y “government funded medium” hitherto applied to numerous media accounts.

Numerous large media accounts both westerners like China, Russia and other passes, which previously They wore one of those labels, they no longer have it.

I dropped the label of “Chinese state-affiliated media” from Xinhua News accounts, as well as journalists associated with government-backed publications.

“Provide context”

A context tag has long been attached to accounts linked to the state media or government officialsespecially of China y Russia. The social network maintained that this rule applied to entities that “are the official voice of a state abroad”.

But earlier this week, the labels appeared in public media accounts or receiving funding from governments. The goal, according to Twitter, was “provide context” about information accounts.

The beads that bore the labels media affiliated with the state y “government funded medium” were:

  • media entities affiliates to the state
  • Personassuch as high-profile editors or journalists, associated with state-affiliated media entities

A controversial initiative

On Tuesday April 18, RTVE had denounced the incorporation of these labels and asked for their withdrawal “as soon as possible”. In his case, he demanded that the “government-funded media” label be changed to “publicly funded medium“. The outlet reiterated “the independence editorial” as one of its “identity marks.

On the 19th, the Twitter account of the American media CBS News announced on his Twitter account that he was temporarily stopping tweeting because of “the uncertainty around Twitter.” They became active on the platform again on April 20.


The BBC in the UK he did not see any labels appear. Twitter assessed that although it was an organization State-financed, it had editorial independence.

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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