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Twitter launches business accounts with exclusive features

Brands and designers are invited to switch to a pro account to access additional functions.

Professional accounts are coming to Twitter! © Twitter

Professional Twitter accounts for brands and designers

Twitter announces the launch of accounts dedicated to professionals. They provide access to dedicated functionalities: advertisements (Twitter Ads), boosting tweets (Quick Promote), additional modules on profiles and future possibilities linked to e-commerce. They are designed for brands and designers.

The functionalities of professional accounts on Twitter

Professional profiles have specific information and exclusive modules. The category of the professional profile makes it possible to better identify the company or the creator. This information is entered during the conversion of a classic account to a professional account and can be modified at any time. Modules can be activated according to the needs of companies and creators:

  • In regards to to specify the hours, the address and facilitate the drive-to-store,
  • Shop to display a product catalog and facilitate online shopping,
  • Newsletter to allow followers to subscribe in one click (via Review).

Modules reserved for professional accounts on the social network © Twitter

Access to the modules seems limited for the moment: Twitter indicates for example that only businesses domiciled in the USA can activate the About module for the moment, by filling out a dedicated form. The social network announces that the next step is to deploy all of these professional tools to all interested users around the world; and that significant efforts are being made to develop features related to e-commerce (Twitter Shopping).

How to switch to a business account on Twitter

To switch from a classic account to a professional account, two options are possible: from the sidebar (on the application) or from your account settings. Twitter indicates that you just have to scroll to the Twitter option for professionals or Switch to a professional account. If the option is not available on your account, you may have to wait a few days: Twitter clarified that the deployment of this major novelty will be effective this week.

You must then enter some information, as shown in the illustration image of the article: the category (industry) and the type of account. Twitter thus distinguishes professional accounts for companies (brands, local businesses, institutions, etc.) from creators (public figures, artists, influencers), with undoubtedly distinct functionalities in the long term.

Once these two pieces of information are entered, your account is converted. You access exclusive news from your profile.

Frequently asked questions about professional Twitter accounts

Twitter answers questions about professional accounts:

  • Eligibility: you must not have repeatedly broken Twitter rules, your profile must be complete (name, bio, photo) and have a clear and authentic identity that represents your business (no parody account, no fan account , no accounts of animals or fictional characters unless they are directly related to your business).
  • Cost : professional Twitter accounts are completely free.
  • Inscription : as shown above, you can convert classic account to pro account. However, you cannot directly create a professional account during the registration process.
  • Back to personal account: you can switch back to a personal account very easily, from your profile settings.
  • Type of account (company or creator): always from the settings, you can change your category and the type of account very easily.

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