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Twitter is 16 years old: how to fight misinformation on the social network

Marrakesh, Mar. 26 (Maroc-Actu) –

Twitter a 16 ans this Monday, March 21 and the social network, which is today one of the platforms most used by millions of users around the world to get information, is also often a nest of misinformation.

Twitter’s anniversary created the perfect context for All4Sec to analyze the different aspects of Twitter usage. disinformation techniques used on the social network. and provide its users with tools to combat them.

The company, which specializes in offering advanced cybersecurity services, has highlighted the role of immediacy in social networks, a characteristic that makes it difficult to verify the veracity of information.

Typically, the user asks to know a piece of information or news at the moment when it happens. It can thus fall into a distribution that seeks to obtain a rapid impact for its subsequent propagation, “avoiding any consideration of its veracity”, emphasizes All4Sec.

To achieve this goal, malicious accounts use different tools such as outdated images or videos which do not correspond to the moment described.

There are also the images that are passed off as a situation that does not correspond to the one described, and the correlation of situations by trying to establish a link between one context and another, previously blurring the notion of causality and taking refuge in ambiguity.

The website disqualification is another of the most used tools on Twitter, and even go so far as parodying some informative data in order to highlight only those which interest the sender of the message.

To help users of social networks such as Twitter to combat this misinformation, it is important to know that more information is not synonymous with being better informed, because these platforms sometimes welcome resumptions and reformulations of situations out of context.

Another aspect to consider is the source. All4Sec. recommended to go to the original source when possible. to avoid any manipulation of the information. And if in doubt about the veracity of information, it is preferable not to act as an element of dissemination by sharing (or “retweeting”) a news item.

Images are a good starting point in the process of verifying information, so it is recommended to research historical image sources in order to reduce the degree of bias that this news may contain.

Try to discern the opinion of the persons concerned from the fact or information itself, and try to read a variety of news sources, especially those that present opposing positions. to identify possible ideological prejudices and to receive the most complete version possible.

It is important to have common sense and check whether the story or news makes sense and fits in the context in which it is told.

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