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Twitter backs down and returns retweets to normal

If you entered Twitter in the last hours, you probably saw that “Thanks Twitter” is a trend. And no, it is not that Twitter has implemented the button to edit tweets.

The reason for the euphoria of users is because Twitter has listened to their comments and removed one of their latest changes. Yes, normal retweets are back.

Normal Twitter retweets are back

A few months ago, Twitter changed the way we retweet. When the user chose the option to “retweet” they found the option to “quote tweets”. The idea was that users will reflect on the content they share and add comments to give context to the information.

However, this experiment did not work as expected Twitter team:

Our goal in driving QT (rather than Retweets) was to encourage more thoughtful amplification. We do not believe that this has happened in practice. The use of Tweets with quotes increased, but 45% of them included single-word statements and 70% were less than 25 characters

So they have decided to return the RT function to normal. From now on, users will see that the “Retweet” and “Quote tweets” options are displayed as usual. And this is not the only change that Twitter is implementing, it is also adding a new option to its Topics section.

Twitter will show you the tweets it thinks will be fun for you

Twitter wants to prove that it can know your tastes with a new experiment that promises to show you the tweets that you might find funny.

This new alternative will be integrated into the options found in the Twitter Topics. That section of Twitter with suggestions to follow different topics that might interest you, but with the plus of receiving only content that may be relevant.

Twitter wants to improve this personalized experience by adding those tweets that could be funny or funny depending on our interaction on the platform. So if you have liked, retweeted, or commented on a funny comment, it will be used to show you similar tweets.

A dynamic that will work thanks to the potential of a Machine Learning model, as mentioned by Isabella Turcheta, product manager of Twitter:

To empower topics like Funny Tweets, we must understand the emotions behind the tweets. So for the first time, we used an ML model that understands nuanced emotions when learning from emojis to gain a broader understanding of what people think is funny.

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