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Twitter again reports a tweet from Donald Trump, this time for “apology for violence”

Donald Trump against Twitter. – Evan Vucci / AP / SIPA

A tweet from the American president Donald trump on the clashes in Minneapolis (north of
United States) was reported on Twitter on Friday for “condoning violence.” “This tweet violates the rules of
Twitter on the apology of violence. However, Twitter believes it is in the public interest that this tweet remains accessible, “said the social network.

“When the looting begins, the shooting begins. Thank you ! “Wrote Donald Trump in a message that could be interpreted as an incitement to law enforcement to use their weapons. Protesters set fire to a Minneapolis police station Thursday night during the third night of clashes with police, at the hands of which a black man died in a heavy arrest.

A first Tuesday

Thousands of people witnessed the fire in the northern parts of the city, after some of them broke down the barriers that protected the building and smashed its windows. The police had deserted the police station, according to the police. President Trump, ulcerated by Twitter’s attitude towards him, signed a decree on Thursday to limit the protection of social networks and the latitude they enjoy in moderating their content.

Twitter posted messages from the President for the first time on Tuesday, adding, “Check the facts.” These were tweets claiming that postal voting was necessarily “fraudulent” because subject to manipulation, an ultra-sensitive issue in the middle of the electoral year



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