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Twinning: an English delegation from Chichester expected at the end of April in Chartres

“In terms of international exchanges, not much has happened for two years”, summarize, with one voice, Patrick Géroudet, municipal councilor responsible for the promotion of the City and international relations, and Claire Crézé , President of the Friends of Chartres twinning association. “In 2021, we just received an Italian delegation from Ravenna”.

A much smaller delegation than in previous years, due to the health context. “We were not able to make the outing we had planned, or organize our traditional shared meal,” laments Patrick Géroudet.

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Thanks to the Internet, the association was nevertheless able to maintain certain contacts. “We have taken out a subscription to the Zoom videoconferencing platform,” explains Patrick Géroudet. “We were thus able to maintain one videoconference per month with our English friends”.

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