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TWENTY-YEARS OLD VACCINE | First week of August

The rebound in cases is forcing the Generalitat Valenciana to make a move. In addition to the measures that will be agreed in the Interdepartmental Table of the Valencian government throughout this Thursday to limit social mobility, the Consell will hire in the coming weeks 450 trackers as well as the Army will rejoin this monitoring work with 50 more.

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A tracker from the Ministry of Health makes a call to detect possible infections.

This has been announced by the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, during the control session in the Corts in which it has also been revealed that centralized testing devices will be set to decongest health centers. “We will hire 450 trackers to strengthen the follow-up of cases and alleviate the workload of primary care teams, “he explained.

The Primary Care is one of the great victims of this young wave since most infections are mild and end up in the health centers that are in charge of carrying out the tests and contact tracing, which also, sources from the outpatient clinics explain, are more difficult since they have greater social relationships than others groups. “On average they come out between 9 and 10 narrow contacts, but there are those who have up to 20 who have to call, “a family doctor told this newspaper.

These two measures will make it possible to decongest the extra work that is accumulating in health centers at a time that has also coincided with the vacation period for health personnel, exhausted after an intense year and a half. To the two measures, Puig recalled, the 7,300 new contracts of the Vacation Plan and summer reinforcement are added, of which about 2,000 will go to primary care centers.

Likewise, the other great strategy to bend the current curve and move towards normality is vaccination. In this sense, the president of the Generalitat has announced that the immunization of people between 20 and 29 years of age will be brought forward by one week with respect to the scheduled date, so “it will start in the first week of August.”

For that week, he has expressed, the Valencians between 30 and 39 years “will have received at least one dose” While for the next seven days it will be the 841,000 40-somethings who will have a first dose, while between this week and next week, the 210,000 pending AstraZeneca doses will be administered for people between 60 and 65 years old.

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