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Twenty fake lenders detected: with these tips you won’t fall victim to scams | My guide

Spaargids.beLet’s say you need extra budget and you want to get credit for it. You simply don’t know which lender attracts you more for it. Can you trust the one that offers you the lowest interest rate? And is it safe to choose the one that can quickly and easily provide you with the largest amount? Spaargids.be understood.

By Johan Van Geyte, in collaboration with Spaargids.be

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On the Internet and via social media, obscure lenders make offers that seem very tempting. At first glance, they offer more than you can get at your bank or other common lender.

Either way, be wary of lenders you’ve never heard of before. Also, fake lenders aren’t afraid to use the names or logos of legitimate financial services companies. These are unlicensed lenders who want to extort your money. In recent months, the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) has tracked down around twenty of these fake lenders.

Compare the offers for personal loans from recognized credit institutions here.

Some advices

In order not to fall victim to fraudulent practices, the FSMA makes the following recommendations:
• For example, you need to be wary of someone who offers you credit out of the blue.
• If the so-called ‘lender’ asks you to pay a sum of money before you get credit, this is not normal.
• If a ‘lender’ is making large sums available at a low interest rate, you have every reason to be suspicious. When something is too good to be true, it usually is.
• It is important to first check whether the provider has the necessary license or registration. You can find out through the list of lenders on the FSMA website.

What protection do you have?

Credit providers must comply with a number of rules established by law. We will give some.
• For example, they are not authorized to charge customers credit. That’s why credit ads must meet legal requirements.
• If a customer works with a lender, the lender must provide clear information about the credit they offer. He is required to provide the customer with an information sheet (SECCI form) free of charge. In it, the customer will find all the necessary entries if he wants to compare different credits.
• The type of credit proposed by the credit institution must take into account the purpose of the credit and must best adapt to the customer’s family and financial situation. The credit institution is also required to check how much the customer can repay each month.
• If the customer opts for a specific loan, the lender must enter into a credit agreement. After the client signs it, he still has fourteen days to change his mind. Then the customer can still decide not to take out the loan. However, he must confirm it by registered letter.

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This article has been brought to you by our partner Spaargids.be.
Spaargids.be is an independent banking product comparator and looks for competitive prices and better interest rates.

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