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TVP “news” on the conflict in the Monetary Policy Council. As a Mejza expert. “Trojan Horse” | Politics

One of the threads of matter in the evening “Wiadomo¶ciach“concerned the conflict in the Monetary Policy Council. We recall that on Wednesday Prof. Joanna Tyrowicz, who RPP she entered on behalf of the Senate, issued an “alternative” statement after the Council meeting, largely different from the official one. Tyrowicz had previously criticized the decisions of the Polish National Bank and President Glapiński, as well as other elected members of the Senate: Ludwik Kotecki and Przemysław Litwiniuk.

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Referring to the conflict in the MPC, the reporter from “Wiadomości” TVP said in the material that “the members of the Monetary Policy Council appointed by the opposition have decided to take unprecedented action”. Tyrowicz’s announcement was mentioned. – In turn, Przemysław Litwiniuk in the media criticized the current NBP procedures – we heard.

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As an expert, Mejza comments on the conflict in the MPC. “Trojan horse of the opposition”

Łukasz Mejza spoke as an expert on the material. – As you can see, the opposition Trojan horse in the Monetary Policy Council is making itself felt. During the economic and international storm, opposition candidates do not rock the Polish boat as much as they capsize it [pisownia oryginalna – red.] He said.

We remind you that Mejza is a (formally independent) deputy, former deputy minister sport and a member of Adam Bielan’s Republican Party. He lost his position in the sports ministry, among others after he described his business activities by wp.pl. The company he founded was to offer unproven treatment methods to the sick.

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prof. Ireneusz Dąbrowski from the MPC. – We are observing two dangerous trends. First, an attempt to transfer party disputes to the Monetary Policy Council. Secondly, this business is active border law, as long as he no longer breaks the law, which is very worrying, ”he said.

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