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TV shows | Rocío Carrasco tells what she intends to do with her fuchsia suit

Rocío Carrasco will sell her iconic pink suit

Rocio Carrasco It has been in the limelight for 11 weeks. From the first of the 12 episodes in which the 60 hours of interview were edited recorded by La Fábrica de la Tele attracted, according to audience measurements, 21.5 million viewers. The protagonist of the fuchsia suit has become the absolute owner of television and her pink suit a symbol of feminism.

She confessed to Carlota Corredera in the interview on Wednesday June 2 that she felt “overwhelmed” by the phenomenon. He alleged that before the screening of the series, he was afraid of the reactions of those close to him and the audience. In short, because of its repercussion, but their fears were dispelled by the success of the production and she feels strong and very proud to be considered an icon feminist: “I have realized that I am a feminist, a neophyte, but I am dying to learn, to know and to be able to contribute more grains of sand.”

The fuchsia suit, a symbol

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We still don’t know the price that the pink suit will fetch Telecinco.es

The phenomenon of followers that has unleashed the appearance on the screen of Rocío Carrasco has already been baptized as “pink tide” alluding to the color of his suit. The protagonist has also forged a good number of detractors, whom Carlota Corredera has baptized as “deniers.”

To each onslaught of a “denier” responds the “pink tide”, which now goes a step further and become visible on social networks by putting a pink filter on avatars or, directly, a pink icon. “How nice, I really appreciate it”said Carrasco about it.

The “pink tide” in social networks

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Rocío Carrasco admits not having chosen her pink suit alone Telecinco.es

Rocío Carrasco admits her change of position towards feminism because before the introspection that the documentary led her to, she “she did not consider herself a feminist”Instead, she now declares: “I am proud of the women of my country. They are the brave ones. I have had an opportunity to raise my voice that many do not have. I have been heard thanks to the opportunity, but they do not have it. I did not expect to be an example, but if I am, I am gladly. I feel liberated, heard, believed and at peace with myself. ”

The protagonist admits that she still cannot verbalize the name of Antonio David. “It provokes me fear, pain, many bad things. All this has helped me to lose weight, to empty my backpack and that mind that did not stop spinning, flailing itself. But this is not something overnight, it is a long process and I am working on it ”, he admitted.

Rocío Carrasco now says she feels “Released, listened to, believed, and at the beginning of a new life, without fear.” “I feel almost like a phoenix, it is already looking a lot”.

Aware of the impact of his clothing, he has decided to auction it, although she admitted that she was not the one who chose her: “It has been a decision of the whole team, especially Adrián Madrid”, the latter is a manager of “La Fábrica de la Tele”.

The producer has already confirmed that, indeed, the fuchsia suit will be sold to the highest bidder in a bid.

The “pink tide” reacts on Twitter

The followers of Rocío Carrasco who, after seeing the documentary “Rocío Carrasco to stay alive”, spoke on Twitter displayed great joy at the decision and dyed their profiles pink after knowing the fate of the dress. They also congratulated themselves when they learned that, given the resounding success of the docuseries, will launch a sequel: “In the name of Rocío”, in which the protagonist will defend herself from the accusations of her family and will tell about all the traumas that have taken her away from them.


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