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TV program on Sunday 27 November: “The immigrant”, “Eat better to save the future”… Our selection

“The immigrant”, at 20:55, on Arte. “The American dream awaits you. This is the announcement in the huge hall. Or the nightmare. The elegiac music suggests it. New York, 1921. Destitute travelers get off a steamer from Europe. Eve (Marion Cotillardable to speak both Polish and English with a Polish accent), and her sister Magda are waiting for the immigration stamp, on this threshold of the New World, but not yet in the dock. No for Magda, tuberculosis and contagious. And not even for Ewa, suspected of little virtue during the crossing. The American authorities want to push them back. But Ewa exudes supernatural strength, and she also meets the devil, Bruno (Joaquin Phoenix), who pretends to help people in need but is actually trying to recruit. A mackerel.

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