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TV cook arrested by police on anti-corona demo

In the corona crisis he stands out due to the spread of conspiracy theories. Now television chef Attila Hildmann has been briefly arrested at a rally in Berlin. He says police officers kicked him.

The TV cook Attila Hildmann was temporarily arrested in Berlin on Saturday. He was accused of violating the Assembly and Infection Protection Laws, a police spokeswoman said. A criminal complaint will be made. The chef known for his vegan recipes, who was on the way to a rally at the Chancellery, was most recently involved in the spread of conspiracy theories in the Corona crisis noticed.

According to police, had at the Lustgarten in Berlin-A large number of people in the three-digit range gathered around Hildmann. The impression had arisen that he wanted to start with them – but it was not permitted to use an elevator. The police have pointed it out and announced measures that were then implemented, said the spokeswoman. However, Hildmann had been released again – and forces would then have taken him to the place where he was holding a rally.

Hildmann just wanted to walk

At this meeting next to the Chancellery Hildmann said of the events surrounding his arrest, that he had been recognized and that a crowd of people had formed around him. He wanted to walk to the Federal Chancellery in a “peaceful protest”. However, the officials had blocked the paths so that he could not have got there. When he asked about the legal basis, “I was arrested by force, pushed to the ground, kicked me (…)”. He has wounds and bruises. The police did not comment.

Video to show arrest of Hildmann

A video of an eyewitness who is supposed to show the arrest of the television chef shows Hildmann discussing with a policeman. He explains several times that he should not move to the Chancellery with the group of people. Hildmann does not respond to this information and continues his speech to the crowd. Then several officers come to grab Hildmann and push him to the ground. There is no sign of kicks in the video, but the view of Hildmann is always hidden. (We decided at this point not to show the above video because, in addition to the discussion with the police and the alleged arrest, it also shows for several minutes how Hildmann calls unconfirmed conspiracy myths to his listeners. We don’t want a stage for this give.)

According to a dpa reporter, more than 100 people took part in the rally. There were also some counter-demonstrators. The police pointed out the requirements via loudspeakers. At rallies against the Corona measures in other German cities fewer people came than expected. Read more about it here.

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