TV and radio profiler Tuva Fellman says that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Tuva Fellman has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She shares the news on Instagram. Photo: Tuva Åserud / NTBPublished: Published:
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– Things have been up and down in our little house lately. Up, because we are eagerly awaiting our second child. Ned, because Tuva was diagnosed with breast cancer during her pregnancy and is undergoing treatment, she and Ronny Brede Aase write on Instagram.
Fellman is married to radio host Aase from Førde, with whom she is now expecting her second child. She has led, among other things, Naked attraction and Love IRL on TV, in addition she led The World’s richest country and Juntafil on radio.
She is grateful for the support from her husband and the healthcare system.
– It’s a lot at once, but luckily we have each other, lovely people around us and an absolutely fantastic healthcare system.
In conclusion, Fellmann writes that life in the future will be a surreal mixture of everyday life, life as a toddler and treatment.
Published: 29 November 2023 21:08
2023-11-29 20:08:38
#Tuva #Fellman #breast #cancer