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TV and radio main source of information

What are the symptoms of a corona infection, what are the consequences of infection, what is allowed and what is prohibited? 82 percent of people in Germany look on the Internet for questions and information about the Corona virus. 98 percent use TV and radio.

At the forefront are television and radio, which 98 percent are used by almost everyone in Germany to find out about Corona. These are the results of a representative survey by the digital association Bitkom among 1,193 people in Germany aged 16 and over, which was carried out from mid-April to mid-May 2020.

Almost all age groups also go online for Corona information, the younger generation almost continuously: 97 percent of 16 to 29 year olds read it online, 96 percent of 30 to 49 year olds and 95 percent of 50 to 64 Yearlings. This proportion is only significantly lower among the over 65-year-olds at 42 percent, whereby in this age group only 42 percent of the respondents stated that they had used the World Wide Web at all in the past three months.

Online news sites such as spiegel.de, bild.de or t-online.de are at the top with 69 percent, followed by online sites from doctors, hospitals or research institutions, where almost one in two (47 percent) find out about the corona Virus informs. 35 percent read online health pages. Almost one in five (19 percent) listens to podcasts dealing with the Corona virus, 18 percent use social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Every tenth (11 percent) is informed on blogs. Health apps for smartphones or tablets or the online pages of health insurance companies are comparatively rarely used at 7 percent each. Respondents were given several options. “The internet is an important source of information for most people when it comes to the corona virus. Whether podcasts, explanatory videos or interactive graphics – every conceivable online format is used to inform people extremely quickly and comprehensively, ”says Bitkom general manager Bernhard Rohleder. The printed press from newspapers or magazines is still used to provide information about Corona 53 percent of the respondents were used, whereby this applies to 64 percent of the over 65-year-olds and after all to 47 percent of the 16 to 29-year-olds. Three quarters (76 percent) talk to friends or family about the topic. –

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