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Tuscany, are positive and participate in a party at the Argentario: checks for everyone

Carpet checks by the ASL Toscana Sud Est to all the participants in a party on the sea held in a bathing establishment on the Argentario where three young Romans positive to Covid have also passed, having contracted it in an outbreak in Sardinia. The three after the stop at Argentario, tested positive after the tests carried out in Rome, having accused the symptoms of the coronavirus. The ASL Toscana Sud Est has received a report from the ASL of Rome. In particular, their participation, in recent days, in a party in an establishment on the Silver coast emerges. This morning, the ASL informs, the Prevention technicians carried out an inspection in the room to assess the situation. It turned out that the party was outdoors and that the manager had prepared correct anti-Covid measures, however the Prevention Department of the ASL acquired the list of people present: all of them will be contacted to carry out the necessary diagnostic investigations.

In Massa, however, the USL Toscana Nord Ovest company announced that it had identified 7 cases of positivity to Covid-19 in Massa. It is – as the mayor said on Facebook, a new cluster in a structure for migrants. “A monitoring action has been started to limit the spread of the infection – explained Francesco Persiani -. At the moment I have no further details, but I will keep you informed. I take this opportunity to invite you to comply with the strictest anti-covid and of maintaining interpersonal distance. On our part we will monitor and control with even more attention “.

As for the data, however, there are 31 new cases, of which five returned from abroad and three of their contacts. These are the numbers of the Region’s bulletin on the progress of the Covid-19 epidemic in Tuscany where, in total, since the beginning of the emergency there have been 10,885 cases. Of the 31 new positives – mean age 42 years – 32 percent were asymptomatic, 47% pauci-symptomatic and 16 percent with mild symptoms. There are no new deaths, while the healed remain stable, still at an altitude of 9028. The swabs performed, however, are a total of 474,476, 3,425 more than yesterday. While there are currently 718 positives, up 4.5 percent compared to yesterday.

Of the new cases, 9 are in Florence, 3 in Prato, 8 in Massa, 4 in Lucca, 4 in Arezzo and 3 in Siena. Tuscany therefore confirms in tenth place in Italy as regards the number of cases (including residents and non-residents), with about 292 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. There are currently 698 people in isolation at home with mild symptoms who do not require hospital treatment or are symptom-free (26 more than yesterday, up 3.9 percent). While 1,775 (41 more than yesterday, plus 2.4 percent) are people, also isolated, in active surveillance because they have had contact with infected people. There is also an increase in the number of people hospitalized in beds dedicated to Covid patients, which are 20 (5 more than yesterday) of which 4 in intensive care (stable compared to yesterday).

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