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Turnover up 84% in 9 months, GL Events raises its prospects

(AOF) – At 30 September 2022, GL Events’ turnover in the first nine months of the year amounted to 804.8 million euros, up 84%, marking the very strong recovery of activity almost to previous levels the crisis. The events group continues its international development, with a growth of 92%, despite a still difficult context in Asia, especially in China. Its revenue for the third quarter of 2022 increased by 23% to € 280 million, which is 10% higher than in 2019.

Excluding the activity carried out in China in 2019 and 2022, the turnover of the group specialized in events at the end of September 2022 returned to the levels reached in 2019 despite the months of January and February in Europe still constrained by the Omicron wave. .

After the publication of the half-year results, GL Events has raised its objectives by aiming for a growth of over 55% in turnover in 2022; generate operating cash flow in excess of € 100 million; and continue to reduce debt.

Olivier Ginon, President and CEO of the GL events group, said: “In the third quarter of 2022, the Group continued its good growth momentum and confirmed the rebound of its activities. once higher than those achieved in 2019, before the health crisis. This rebound demonstrates our strong adaptability, the need for players to come together and the strength of the Group’s model. The situation in China is slow to stabilize but we should be able to resume our trade show business activities by the end of the year. With the exception of this destination, the business is very well oriented in all countries and international sales represent 49% of the total sales volume at the end of September 2022 “.


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