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Türkiyemspor Bochum: Federal President as guest

At 2:46 p.m., a black Benz drove up to Gahlenschen Strasse 111 at SV Türkiyemspor in Bochum. None other than Frank-Walter Steinmeier left the company. The Federal President visited the Ruhr area together with his wife Elke Büdenbender. The occasion is the German-Turkish recruitment agreement of 1961, when the booming Federal Republic urgently needed workers to continue fueling the economic miracle after the end of the Second World War.

After flying visits to a steelworks in Mülheim and the Ruhr Museum on the grounds of the Zeche Zollverein World Heritage Site in Essen, Bochum’s Hamme district was the third stage of Steinmeier’s Tour de Ruhr on Tuesday. Ceyhan Sahingöz, first chairman of SV Türkiyemspor Bochum, reports on an unforgettable day with a head of state who is not at all stately and meets normal citizens at eye level.

FUSSBALL.DE: Mr. Sahingöz, how was it for you, your fellow board members and the other people involved, to be able to greet the German President on the sports field?

Ceyhan Sahingöz: On the one hand, visiting such a high-ranking state guest means a lot of organizational effort, because, for example, safety has to be guaranteed and health regulations also have to be observed in times of a pandemic. On the other hand, Mr. Steinmeier, even if he is the Federal President, is a completely normal person to deal with. He is very nice, listens with interest and never seems like something special. If it weren’t for all the trappings with the state limousine and the security guards, you might think that someone from next door – friendly, open and approachable.

“If it weren’t for all the trappings with the state limousine and security guards, you’d think that’s someone from next door.”

How did it come about that your association was selected for the state visit? In the Ruhr area in particular, there are many clubs that have a biography similar to that of SV Türkiyemspor Bochum.

Sahingöz: Employees of the Federal President’s Office have probably researched on the Internet which clubs have done a lot for integration in recent years. Since Mr. Steinmeier was traveling in the Ruhr area as part of the German-Turkish agreement, they were looking for a club here in the district and came across us. When the request came by e-mail, a colleague from our board initially suggested another club, namely Firtinaspor Herne, because, unlike us, they have a complete youth department. But the office of the Federal President wanted to come to us, and in retrospect we are very happy about that!

Please tell us about the history of SV Türkiyemspor Bochum!

Sahingöz: We were founded in 1989 and were initially a purely Turkish association. Over the years, however, it became clear to us that we would rather open up to people of all nations, so that we always had German players or from other countries in our teams. And thanks to the good cooperation with our neighbor FC Bochum, there is already a lively exchange. Unfortunately, we only have two senior teams, but no youth, at FC Bochum it’s the other way around. That’s why we want to merge and hope that this will also give us a tailwind for our desire for an artificial turf pitch. Because so far we have ‘only’ one natural grass and one ash area here on Gahlenschen Straße.

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