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Turkish Pigeon Wins Golden Cup in Carrier Pigeon Competition

A Turkish bird breeder’s pigeon was crowned champion in the carrier pigeon competition in the state of Edirne, northwest of the country, after completing a race of 505 kilometers within nine hours.

The Turkish Anatolia news agency reported that the Kara Agag region in the state of Edirne hosted the “final competition for the Golden Cup for carrier pigeons” yesterday, amid an atmosphere of fun and competition. 429 pigeons from Türkiye, Romania, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands participated in the race.

The race began with the release of pigeons from the Jarada region in Bolu Province (northwest of the country), with the finishing point being in Kara Agag in Edirne Province.

While the jury, the pigeon owners, and the audience were waiting for the carrier pigeons to arrive, some participants and attendees played popular songs from time to time to add excitement to the competition.

After a long wait, a pigeon owned by Turkey’s Tayfun Çağlayğanandre arrived first, having traveled a distance of 505 kilometers within nine hours.

The jury honored the owner of the dove with a golden belt and an amount of 300,000 Turkish liras (about 11,000 dollars).

He also honored the owners of the pigeons that won first places with cups and financial prizes.

2023-09-24 13:42:51

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