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Turkish mobster flees to Dubai, shakes power from there (overview)

Sedat Pecker accuses senior figures in government of murder, rape, corruption and drug trafficking

Turkish TV series have gained widespread popularity with intricate palace intrigues and intense plots from the underworld. The hit this time, however, is not the result of artistic fiction.

For 3 weeks, the famous criminal boss Sedat Peker has been keeping Turkey under pressure with a series of videos on YouTube – in them he makes startling revelations about murders, rape, corruption and drug trafficking, in which prominent figures from the Turkish government and the ruling Justice Party are involved. and development, the Guardian writes.

The moment chosen for the one-hour monologues is devastating for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s party, whose rating has already been hit hard by the country’s difficult economic situation and criticism of the poor management of the pandemic crisis.

Until now, Pecker, who is often portrayed in his homeland as the boss of the Turkish mafia,

has radiated

7 episodes

from Dubai,

where he claims to be. He warns that he has prepared 5 more.

His main target is the powerful Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu. In the latest 7th episode, the mobster accuses the minister of being involved in importing cocaine from Venezuela to Turkey. A key role in this channel was played by Erkan Yıldırım, the son of former Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım. Pecker claims that in January, Yıldırım Jr., as he is called in the recording, was

was in


to negotiate

new deals

with drugs,

reveals Deutsche Welle. The canal was connected to casinos in the Turkish part of Cyprus and to a Syrian-controlled port. Binali Yıldırım immediately replied that these were lies and that his son had been to Venezuela to bring protective masks and other medical equipment.

The Turkish “godfather” also claims that Soylu personally warned him about the latest investigation against him and thus fled Turkey so as not to be detained.

Sitting at a desk in a hotel room, with his shirt unbuttoned and a large gold locket around his neck, the mobster lined up name after name of people from the Turkish political elite to paint a picture of their close cooperation with the world of crime.

“If any of what I’m saying is a lie, I’ll cut off my thumb. I promise you, ”he says in almost every video.

Some of the events are decades back in the past – proof that the so-called deep state has been a fact for a long time. According to Peker, former Interior Minister Mehmed Agar, sentenced to five years in prison for links to the underworld in the 1990s, is directly

involved in


murder of

the investigator


Ugur Mumju with a car bomb in 1993. Hagar’s son Tolga, who is now a member of the ruling Justice and Development Party, raped and killed Kazakh journalist Eldana Kaharman in 2019. The crime was then disguised as suicide. On Twitter, former Interior Minister Hagar called Pecker’s allegations defamatory.

Krimibos also melted his own brother, Attila, whom he claims was sent to kill journalist Kutlu Adali in northern Cyprus in 1996, but failed. The reporter was then commissioned and liquidated. Attila is the only person arrested so far in connection with the revelations.

Sedat Pecker, 49, became a menace in the underworld in the 1990s, at the height of the symbiosis between politics and the mafia, when revelations emerged that

services for

you are safe


with gangsters

for committing political assassinations. He has been in prison many times, but each time he manages to get out early. In 2007, he was sentenced to 14 years and 5 months in prison for organizing and leading a criminal group, for fraud, robbery and forgery of documents. It was published in 2014 and managed to get closer to influential people from the Justice and Development Party.

He claims to have organized rallies in support of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to have participated in acts of violence against the media and in actions to intimidate the opposition and civil society. He admits that he helped to appropriate property of opponents of the regime.

Pecker fled Turkey after the interior ministry launched a new investigation into his network in 2020 and arrested about 60 people around him.

The Istanbul one

his home was


in April

under the watchful eye of his family (in 2008, the gangster married his lawyer while behind bars).

In 2021, a scandal erupted in northern Macedonia over the issuance of forged Macedonian passports to suspicious individuals, some of them foreigners. It turned out that one of the holders of such a fake passport was Pecker. He was arrested and extradited to Kosovo, where he had a temporary residence permit for business. He probably got to the UAE from there, which does not have an extradition agreement with Ankara.

The boss also has good connections in Montenegro, where he has lived for some time. In 1998, he fled to Romania again to avoid arrest.

Turkish authorities now claim that

his accusations

are revenge for that

that he was banished

from the country.

It is believed that his next episodes will be related to revelations about the arms trade on the Turkish-Syrian border, as well as rumors that the Turkish Ministry of Energy bought oil from the terrorist organization “Islamic State” in 2015, the newspaper writes. The Guardian. Berdo Albayrak, Erdogan’s son-in-law, had just become energy minister at the time.

Until recently, the official media did not mention a word about Pecker’s revelations. But

his videos

are viewed by

over 55 million people

and obviously there is no way they can be ignored anymore. Although a mobster involved in dark affairs is not a reliable source, the Turks are watching with interest as he says out loud things they can only guess at.

Nowhere in the episodes does the mobster launch direct attacks on Erdogan. When he mentions him, he calls him “Brother Tayyip” and says he wants to open his eyes. However, people from the ruling party are convinced that it is

the president

is the ultimate goal

of the attacks

Erdogan himself has been silent for a long time to show his disregard for the attacks, but announced on Wednesday that he would not allow criminals to threaten the country’s atmosphere of peace and security. “Turkey will thwart these conspiracies and bring back the bosses of organized crime to face justice. We will find them wherever they are hiding in the world, “he said.

Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu has filed a defamation lawsuit against Packer. He gave a 3-hour interview on Haber Turk TV on Monday night. Despite his attempts to defend himself against the accusations, there is growing speculation that his political career is at stake. The opposition is already urging his resignation.

Soylu thinks so

is in progress



against Turkey

On Thursday, a prosecutor in Ankara issued an arrest warrant for the mafia boss.

Journalist Musaba Turan of the Anatolian Agency was fired because at a government press conference he asked about Pecker’s accusations and said that “everyone, even children, talk about it in shops, markets, subways.” (24 hours)

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