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Turkish Concerns Over Clashes in Deir Ezzor and Manbij: An Exchange with the SDF

An exchange between Türkiye and the “SDF” over the conflict in Deir Ezzor

Ankara has announced that it is watching with concern the clashes in Deir ez-Zor, as there is usually an attempt to dominate the population by putting pressure on them.

At a time when the clashes are escalating in Deir ez-Zor between the “Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)” and the militants of the Arab clans, in addition to the clashes between the “SDF” and the factions of what is known as the “Syrian National Army” loyal to Turkey in Manbij, eastern Aleppo Governorate, Ankara announced that it She watches with concern the clashes in Deir Ezzor, usually an attempt to dominate the population by putting pressure on them.

On the other hand, the “SDF” denied targeting the Arab clans, stressing that the confrontations are taking place with factions loyal to Ankara, with the involvement of Damascus and Tehran in supporting the armed clans.

Simultaneously, Ankara renewed its conditions for holding a meeting between President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Syrian counterpart, Bashar al-Assad, 48 hours before Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Sochi, southern Russia, on Monday, which will deal, among other files, with the path of normalizing relations between Ankara and Damascus. Which was initiated by Moscow and joined by Iran.

Two fighters raise the flag of the Syrian opposition during training for a pro-Ankara faction in the countryside of Aleppo late last month (EPA)

Mutual accusations

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said that Ankara is monitoring “closely and with concern” the clashes between Arab clans and the “terrorist organization of Kurdish People’s Units” in the part under the latter’s control in the countryside of Deir ez-Zor Governorate, eastern Syria.

And the “Kurdish Units” are the largest components of the “SDF”, and Ankara considers them a Syrian arm of the “PKK”, which it classifies as a terrorist organization.

And the Turkish Foreign Ministry added, in a statement on Friday night – Saturday: “We note that this development is a new manifestation of the (terrorist organization’s) attempts to dominate the population in Syria through violence and pressure on them, and violating their basic human rights.”

The statement expressed Turkey’s hope that the “supporters” of the PKK and the Kurdish units (referring to the United States and some European countries) would see “the true face of the organization that seeks to cover up its aims under the lie that it is active in the war against (ISIS), without wasting time. Or cause more suffering to the population, including the Syrian Kurds.”

The US support for the “SDF” constitutes a deep point of contention between Turkey and the United States, which considers the Kurdish “units” a close ally in the war against “ISIS.”

On the other hand, the “SDF” confirmed that the clashes are taking place against elements loyal to Turkey, and that it has no dispute with the Arab clans in Deir ez-Zor. And the General Command of the “SDF” stressed, in a statement on Saturday, issued hours after the Turkish Foreign Ministry’s statement, that attempts to portray the matter as a fight with the Arab clans aim only to create “sedition”, denying that the ongoing clashes in Deir ez-Zor are a war with Clans. It explained that the clashes are taking place with gunmen loyal to Turkey and members of the security authorities of the “Syrian regime”.

Clashes erupted in Deir Ezzor after the “SDF” arrested the commander of the “Deir Ezzor Military Council,” Ahmed Al-Khabil, known as “Abu Khawla,” in the city of Al-Hasakah last Sunday, which sparked tension that led to armed clashes that left 54 ​​people dead, according to the “Syrian Observatory.” for human rights.”

A side of military exercises for Syrian fighters supported by Turkey in the countryside of Aleppo province, last Tuesday (DPA)

The tension began due to the fears of the “Military Council”, led by Al-Khabil, that the “Qasd”, with American support, would replace it with the “Al-Sanadid” military group under the Kurdish “units”, and the council opposed moving the group to the east of the Euphrates River in Deir ez-Zor. The “military council” includes members of the al-Aqidat, al-Busraya, and Arab Baggara clans in the east of the Euphrates in Deir ez-Zor, while the Shammar clan forms the backbone of the al-Sanadid group, and both groups have worked during the past years under the umbrella of the “SDF”.

The number of members of the “Military Council” is about 4 thousand, while the number of members of the “Al-Sanadid” ranges between 2,000 and 3,000, according to local sources.

Arabs constitute 100 percent of the population of Deir Ezzor, which was controlled by the “SDF” with American support in light of the war against “ISIS.”

Armed Arab clans loyal to Al-Khabil managed to control 24 villages that were under the control of the “SDF” in Deir Ezzor.

Clashes in Manbij

Meanwhile, violent clashes erupted, again, on Saturday, between the pro-Turkish National Army factions, and the SDF forces in the western Manbij countryside, east of Aleppo Governorate.

At midnight, Friday-Saturday, the factions attempted to carry out an infiltration operation from the direction of the village of Arimah towards the village of al-Yilani in the countryside of Manbij, within the areas of influence of the “Manbij Military Council” of the “SDF”, but the latter was able to prevent its advance towards the village.

Violent clashes erupted between the two sides, in which heavy weapons were used, and artillery shelling by the Syrian army forces towards the village of Arima.

And the “Syrian Observatory” reported that members of the Manbij Military Council repelled a second infiltration of the “National Army” factions, at dawn on Saturday, towards the village of Awn al-Dadat in the eastern countryside of Manbij.

On Friday, the Manbij Military Council, with the support of the Syrian army, regained control of the village of al-Muhsinli in rural Manbij, less than a day after the Turkish-backed National Army took control of it.

The escalation and the two recent infiltration attempts came in the wake of the Russian air strikes, which targeted, on Friday, 5 sites previously controlled by the National Army fighters.

Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian and his Syrian counterpart Faisal al-Miqdad in Damascus on Wednesday (AFP)

Erdogan-Assad meeting

On the level of normalization between Ankara and Damascus, the senior advisor to the Turkish president, Ambassador Akif Chagatay Kiltish, said that “meetings with the Syrian regime are continuing at different levels,” explaining that there are some outstanding issues to reach “meetings at the highest level between the presidents of the two countries.” He affirmed the firmness and clarity of his country’s position on combating terrorism, guarantees for the return of refugees, the resumption of the work of the Constitutional Committee and the holding of elections, stressing Turkey’s respect for the territorial integrity of Syria, and its rejection of the control of any terrorist organization there.

Chagatay Kilic added, in a television interview on Friday night – Saturday, that Ankara has taken some steps to prevent terrorist organizations from controlling the region, for the sake of its national security and for the sake of Syria.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will meet his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, in Sochi, southern Russia, on Monday. The Syrian file and the path of normalization between Ankara and Damascus, sponsored by Russia, will be among the files discussed during the meeting.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, during his meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullahian in Damascus on Thursday, reiterated that it is not possible to move towards normalization or hold a meeting with Erdogan before the withdrawal of Turkish forces from northern Syria.

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2023-09-02 19:38:33

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