Home » today » World » Turkey / Refugee Zoff: CDU politician is said to have shouted at Seehofer – Merkel “very annoyed”

Turkey / Refugee Zoff: CDU politician is said to have shouted at Seehofer – Merkel “very annoyed”

The refugee deal between the EU and Turkey is under a stress test – the Union, however, cannot agree on a course on refugee issues.

  • The union is in matters of refugee policy quarreled.
  • Before the Group meetings from March 4th to Exchange of blows have come.
  • Horst Seehofer (CSU) and Angela Merkel (CDU) are said to have caused a violent reproach.

Berlin – Union faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) has federal interior minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) According to media reports, the refugee question was severely attacked – it was a “scream” before the relevant parliamentary group meeting last Wednesday, according to a report by the Picture on Sunday. The day before, Seehofer was open to the European admission of around 5000 children and adolescents from Greek refugee camps. He campaigned for one “Coalition of the Willing” in the EU.

Refugees / Turkey: exchange of blows between Seehofer and Brinkhaus – Merkel “very annoyed”

An advance, the group leader Brinkhaus apparently didn’t like it. “Brinkhaus is said to have been extremely annoyed by the fact that he has had to deal with the issue of refugees in the constituency for weeks,” reports the news magazine mirror (Article behind payment barrier). “The Chancellor was also obviously very annoyed – by Brinkhaus’ monologue,” it continues.

According to the Picture on Sunday (Article behind payment barrier) Brinkhaus is said to have said the sentences “You have learned nothing, people do not want refugees” and “You are sitting here in the cabinet, I am in the constituency and speak to the people”. “Brinkhaus is said to have loudly attacked Seehofer (and indirectly Chancellor Merkel) on the refugee issue,” the report says.

Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU)

© dpa / Kay Nietfeld

Turkey crisis: Seehofer and Merkel with violent accusations against the Union Group

When Brinkhaus said that the people in his constituency did not trust GroKo to get a grip on the refugee question, Seehofer shot back – and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) joined him.

“Seehofer then described in detail how to agree a new deal with Turkey, protect the external border, but at the same time want to show more humanity. He and Merkel * accused the faction of being involved in migration wrong numbersto operate, ”reports the mirror (Article behind payment barrier).

Refugee dispute: Söder opposes Seehofer

In the CDU fight after the Thuringia scandal and the subsequent resignation of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Armin Laschet, Friedrich Merz and Norbert Röttgen to the Party Chairmanship *. Surveys point to one Favorites * there.

The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) however, requests have been rejected to accept refugees from Greece in the current situation. “We need a European solution and not a German solo effort,” said Söder der Welt am Sonntag. “So it would be wrong to stab the EU in the back.”

At a crisis summit on Sunday evening, the leaders of the Union and SPD want to know, among other things, the situation of the Migrants and refugees at the Greek-Turkish border advise after the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan* the Borders to Europe* declared open.

More about the migrant crisis in Turkey in the video


* Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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