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Turkey ready to cooperate with Taliban – Erdogan

Taliban announced control over all of Afghanistan on August 15

Thus, Turkey intends to “support Afghanistan in good and bad times.” Turkey does not exclude the possibility that the Taliban leaders may be received.

Turkey is ready to work with the Taliban to keep the peace for the Afghan people. This was stated by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, the agency reports. Anatolia.

“Regardless of who is in power, it is a requirement of both our commitment and our brotherhood to support Afghanistan in good and bad times,” the head of state said.

He stressed that the Turkish side can receive the Taliban leaders.

“We also welcome the moderate statements made by the Taliban leaders. We are ready for all kinds of cooperation to keep peace for the Afghan people, to ensure the well-being of Turkish citizens living in this country, and to protect the interests of our state,” Erdogan said.

He added that the military presence of Turkey in Afghanistan will strengthen the position of the “new administration” of this country in the international arena and facilitate its work.

Meanwhile with a video message to the Afghan people escaped President Ashraf Ghani spoke. He denied the export of hundreds of millions of dollars and confirmed that he was in the UAE.

We add that the Taliban said what will the new government be… The militants believe that in Afghanistan there is no basis for the establishment of a democratic government, and the leader of the Taliban, Khaybatullah Akhundzad, will rule.

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