Home » today » World » Turkey is preparing to attack Israel – 2024-05-07 06:56:06

Turkey is preparing to attack Israel – 2024-05-07 06:56:06

/ world today news/ Turkey assumes the role of leader of the Muslim world in the fight against Israel and prepares for war. This is evidenced by Erdogan’s statements on Saturday at the mass rally in Istanbul in support of Palestine.

Declaration of war

What Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at the “Great Palestinian Rally” held at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport to protest Israel’s military operations in the Gaza Strip means that Turkey has effectively declared war on Israel.

It is no coincidence that after large-scale anti-Israel protests in Istanbul and threatening statements by Erdogan, Tel Aviv announced the evacuation of its embassy from Turkey.

Erdogan was far from any diplomatic courtesy. His speech was full of anger, full of harsh and vivid comparisons. It is clear that Erdogan is building the information base for more proactive action beyond bellicose rhetoric.

In front of a crowd of 1.5 million, Erdogan said Turkey would declare Israel a war criminal and do so in front of the entire international community.

He called Israel an “occupier” and “not a state, but a group,” noting that the Palestinian movement Hamas is not a terrorist organization. Erdogan has made an open threat to invade Israel to protect the Palestinians.

“Israel, you are an occupier. Do you want the Crescent War to start again? One night we may come unexpectedly,” he said.

From words to actions

What Erdogan said by definition must have a follow-up in material terms, because otherwise the Turkish president will not only lose his reputation, but also end his claims to make Turkey a leading regional power, extending his aspirations to the entire planet.

Without a practical follow-up to the speech in Istanbul, Erdogan will no longer be taken seriously.

Most likely, Turkey is trying to use the situation in Israel and the massive anti-Israel protests to achieve its goal of asserting itself above all as a leading power in the Muslim world.

The basis of this Turkish aspiration is its Ottoman past, specifically the fact that a significant area of ​​the Middle East, including the territory of Palestine and present-day Israel, was until recently (historically speaking) part of the Ottoman Empire.

We are probably on the way to creating a regional Sunni alliance under the leadership of Ankara. The combined military and mobilization potential of a possible regional Muslim union, coupled with its residents’ hatred of Israelis, could threaten Israel’s very existence. Erdogan is very aware of the anti-Jewish sentiment of Muslims in the region.

Today, all Muslims can see Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians as a historical and morally justifiable chance to end Israel.

In addition, such mass sentiments have a direct projection on the governments of every Arab and Muslim country in general, which will be forced to act in accordance with public sentiment in order to maintain internal stability in their countries and secure public support for themselves.

And it is therefore clear that Erdogan addressed not only the million and a half audience at the Istanbul airport, but above all all Muslims in the Middle East as well as Muslims around the world.

Leader of the Muslims of the world

Today, Muslims have no clear leader in the face of any country and its leader. Russian President Putin, for example, clearly and without any reservations personifies the leader of those world powers that are fighting for a multipolar world, against US hegemony and for traditional values.

Erdogan seems to aspire to become a similar leader of Muslims. And the actual genocide of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip gives him a unique historical opportunity to become such a leader.

This will bring Turkey not only to the top of politics in the Middle East, but also to the global geopolitical Olympus.

Erdogan will not want to miss this opportunity. This means that he is indeed preparing for war with Israel. It would not be surprising if Erdogan now begins shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East with the aim of formally creating an anti-Israel bloc. The cementing element of this block will be the civilizational enmity of Muslims and Jews.

Indonesia, as the largest Muslim country with a powerful military potential, could become an object of serious interest for Turkey.

It is possible that Shia Iran will join the Sunnis, despite religious differences. If Turkey intervenes in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Iran in turn can take advantage of the situation and fulfill its strategic goal of eliminating Israel. And in this sense, Turkey and Iran are now becoming not just tactical, but strategic allies.

Attack of the West

During his speech at the Istanbul airport, Erdogan issued threats to the collective West. The Turkish leader said that Western countries, which “only yesterday were shedding crocodile tears for the civilians killed in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine”, are today “silent in the face of the death of thousands of innocent children in Gaza”.

Erdogan expressed confidence that Western countries are directly responsible for the bombing of Gaza, and Israel is “just a pawn that cannot survive even three days without the support of its allies.”

“Hey West, I’m turning to you! Do you want a war between the cross and the crescent moon? Then know: this nation is not dead, this nation is alive and standing firm,” the Turkish president said.

What does this passage mean? At least two things.

First, Erdoğan, by forming his image as the leader of all Muslims, acquired the Muslims living in Europe as leverage to influence European capitals.

One word from Erdogan is enough – and a war of Muslim immigrants against the natives will begin in Europe.

And secondly, Erdogan has made it clear that if absolutely necessary, he can direct Turkish weapons against Europe, for example, if in the event of Turkey’s direct involvement in the conflict on Israeli territory, European NATO member countries intend to side with Israelis.

What is the result?

The sharp escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as we see it now, will most likely escalate into a regional conflict with the potential to involve other countries outside the region. Turkey plays an important role in this process, trying to use this historical moment to realize its imperial ambitions.

A possible war between the Muslim countries of the Middle East, on the one hand, and Israel, with the support of Western countries, on the other, threatens to escalate into a global conflict in which there may be no winners.

Translation: SM

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