Elian: how important are you?recommendations that they make usregarding people who do notThey are vaccinated, because althoughto normal acceleration with himcoronavirus is still present andwe see a rebound in cases in thetri state area.we tell you that the cardinaljoined to give payments to thefamily in need for thisThanksgiving dinner, andKnowing Peralta tells us howThis is the process ofdistribution, she is fromthe joseph community centerkennedy, isabel, centanos ómoit takes place to bedistribution?>> that’s it, how can you see aremains the row that isquite long, reaches thecorner of where we are in the34 west y 134 street.but this row a little earlierI was back to yacorner, almost reaching twoblocks to get therehere, where are we atcaolic charities of theArchdiocese of New York and thekennedy center east churchplace where they are doingdeliver payments.jack and this is a tradition,the annual turkey distributionthanksgiving, and thisonce has 1000 turkeys andmeals to accompany, besidesof the presence of governorwho joined the cardinal and themonsignor, while charitiesNew York caolics would repairto families in need, to whomharlem community centerthese turkeys of actionGrace, and what do I know?monsignor shared equallyway in other counties,elderly, immigrantsundocumented or not alreadyrefugees, the governor saidthat this giveaway eventfood nourish the body butalso the spirit, theserepresent the hope foreconomically affectedduring the pandemic, editiondigital new york, converówith some of those present andthis they shared with us.>> I have the poultry for>> How good does it feel?>> very grateful to God,people who collaborated forthe turkey.>> what did they give you?>> fruits and vegetables.>> I feel happy because I am going tohave food for the family.>>it will help you a lot ..>> sure.>> the governor invited thethat if they have not yet received thethird dose of the vaccine, whichdo it, here besides the turkeyit was given to the peopleingredients like onion,potato, yam and stuffed too