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Turista español detenido en una cárcel iraní acusado de espionaje y participación en protestas

“Spanish Tourist Detained in Iranian ⁢Prison: Santiago Sánchez Cogedor’s Ordeal”

Madrid, Spain – Santiago Sánchez Cogedor, a 41-year-old Spanish tourist‍ and former military⁣ paratrooper, has been detained ‍in⁣ an Iranian prison‌ for nearly⁢ two months. Santiago, who embarked on a journey to walk to the ​2022 World Cup in Qatar, ‌was last ⁣heard from when he sent a photo near ⁤the Iran-Iraq border.

Santiago, a native of Alcalá⁣ de ⁣Henares in⁣ the Madrid region, is known for his ​love⁢ of walking ‍and has traveled the world on ‍foot​ and by bicycle. He is also a boxing and football enthusiast, and a devoted fan of‍ Real Madrid. His⁤ passion‌ for adventure led him⁤ to⁣ set a⁤ goal of⁢ walking ⁣to ​the‌ World Cup in⁤ Qatar.

However, Santiago’s journey ⁢took a ‌tragic ‌turn when he was arrested in an Iranian prison that has been accused of human ​rights ⁤abuses. His family had no knowledge of his whereabouts for nearly two weeks after ⁢receiving his last message.

His journey to Qatar began on​ January 8, 2022,⁤ starting from the Nuevo ​Matapiñonera Stadium in ⁣the Spanish capital with the support of the ⁣San Sebastián City ‌Council and a⁤ group of local⁣ environmental activists. ​Santiago‌ planned ⁤to reach ⁣Doha, ⁣the⁣ capital of Qatar, in November of the same‌ year, after ​walking approximately 7,000​ kilometers in eight months. Iran was supposed to be his last stop before reaching his destination.

On‌ September⁢ 23, ⁢2022, ‌Santiago entered the Islamic Republic after crossing more than⁤ a dozen countries. His plan‍ was to ⁤take a boat from​ the Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas to Qatar. However, he never made it ⁤to his destination.

Santiago was ‌detained by Iranian authorities at the⁤ Aichi cemetery​ in the city⁣ of Saqqez​ while visiting the ‍grave of activist Mahsa Amini, ⁣a Kurdish ​Iranian woman who was arrested and⁣ tortured ‌by ⁣the Islamic religious police for not ⁢wearing her veil correctly. Santiago’s arrival⁣ in Iran coincided with the ‌massive protests that erupted following Mahsa Amini’s death on September 16, 2022.

During the initial protests, which resulted in⁤ the‌ deaths‍ of hundreds of ​demonstrators, including dozens of ⁤children, internet access ​in Iran was severely disrupted. Santiago‌ had warned his family that communication‌ might ‍be difficult, so they did not suspect the ordeal he was going through since October 2, 2022, ​when he decided to visit Mahsa Amini’s grave.

Franco Salamanca, a close friend of‍ Santiago, told ⁤the BBC Persian service that ⁢several people suggested ‍he visit⁣ the cemetery.⁢ Santiago was taking photos⁣ of the grave ​when plainclothes⁣ security forces ⁤approached him. Despite not believing ⁢he was doing anything wrong or unusual, Santiago continued exploring the area. Shortly after, the police officers put ​something on his head and arrested him.

Santiago⁣ was later transferred to Evin‍ Prison, where he ⁢spent nearly two months​ in‍ solitary ​confinement. Evin​ Prison, located in Tehran, has long⁢ been criticized by Western human rights groups. According‌ to Human​ Rights Watch, prison authorities use threats of torture and ‌indefinite imprisonment. ‍Prisoners ⁣are denied medical care and ⁢subjected to lengthy interrogations.

A group‌ of hackers ⁤calling themselves Edalat-e ​Ali (Justice of Ali) released​ surveillance footage from Evin Prison in⁤ August 2021, showing guards beating or mistreating inmates. The prison houses a⁤ large⁣ number ⁣of political prisoners, journalists, and many foreign or dual-nationality citizens.

Santiago’s current lawyer, paid ​for by his friends, ‌is representing ‌him in his legal proceedings. The Iranian authorities have accused him of espionage⁤ and participation in Iranian protests, despite his friend’s insistence ⁤that Santiago never participated in any protests.

Santiago’s trial has yet to begin, and his family and ​friends are anxiously awaiting ⁢his release. The Spanish government and international human rights ‌organizations have been called ‍upon to intervene⁣ and ensure Santiago’s safe return home.Spanish Tourist Imprisoned in Iran for Taking Photos of‍ a ‍Tomb

A Spanish tourist, Santiago Sánchez Cogedor, has been⁣ imprisoned in Iran for nearly two months after taking photos of a tomb. ⁢Santiago, a 41-year-old former Spanish military paratrooper, had embarked on a journey‍ to walk to the 2022 World Cup ⁣in Qatar. However, ⁣his plans took

What ⁣actions have the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs taken to seek information on Santiago’s condition and⁤ urge for his release

Are trying‍ to help secure Santiago’s release, including human rights organizations and the Spanish government. However, their efforts have been met with challenges due to limited information and communication restrictions in Iran.

According to Salamanca, Santiago’s family⁢ is devastated and desperate for ⁢answers. They are hopeful that with⁣ increased international attention, Santiago’s case will‍ be prioritized and he will be released soon.

The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been in contact with Iranian authorities, requesting information on Santiago’s condition and ⁤urging for his release. They have also reached out to ‍other countries’ diplomatic missions in Iran to seek support.

Human rights organizations, such as ⁤Amnesty International, have also raised concerns about ‍Santiago’s detention and called for his immediate‍ release. They have ⁣called on the ​Iranian⁣ government to uphold international human rights ⁤standards ⁣and ensure‍ the safety and well-being of all prisoners.

Santiago’s case highlights the risks involved in traveling to countries with questionable⁣ human ⁢rights records. His love for adventure and determination to reach the World Cup led him to embark on a challenging journey. However, it is essential for travelers to ‍prioritize their safety and be⁤ aware of the potential dangers they may face in certain destinations.

As ‍the‌ world eagerly awaits updates on Santiago’s ​situation, his family and friends continue⁢ to hold on to hope and advocate for his release. The international community must come together to put pressure on the Iranian government⁤ and ensure that Santiago’s human rights are respected and that‌ he is reunited with his loved ones soon.

1 thought on “Turista español detenido en una cárcel iraní acusado de espionaje y participación en protestas”

  1. Espero que el gobierno español pueda hacer todo lo posible para asegurar la liberación segura y rápida del ciudadano español detenido en Irán. La acusación de espionaje y participación en protestas parece infundada y es fundamental garantizar sus derechos humanos durante todo el proceso.


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