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Turisme de Barcelona expects 2022 to be like 2019

He recognized it, even defended it during his speech: “I am on the side of the optimists”, said yesterday the president of Turisme de Barcelona, ​​Eduard Torres, within the framework of a digital meeting, organized by Intermediate, which dealt with the sector that concerns the consortium that it directs: tourism in the city. From that optimism Torres said that he hopes that next year will be one of recovery and that 2022 will be “good”, that the figures for 2019 will be reached.

“This year will be very difficult,” said Torres, who, clinging to optimism, defended that although tourism “is very sensitive,” it also recovers very quickly. ” And it marked on the calendar as one of the most relevant moments of the recovery – as the town hall– the celebration of Mobile next year, an act that will be preceded by an international campaign to promote the city. “They will campaign again,” he said.

The consortium believes that giving up the Hermitage may send a negative message

In this sense, the president of Turisme recalled that before, from June to the end of the year, efforts and promotion will be aimed at tourists who may come from the rest of Spain.

“We have to expand the perimeter of companies that are affected by tourism, but do not feel challenged in the city’s dissemination campaigns,” he said at another time of the meeting, in which relevant actors and agents participated beyond journalists. of the tourist sector of the city. Torres gave examples: shopping malls, beverage distribution companies, financial entities, tourist icons … “We have to get everyone, to the extent that they can, to commit to promoting the city,” he stressed.

The president of Turisme made several balances: he defended cruise tourism, praised that the companies and the port work to reduce pollution, but he assumed that the number of docks cannot grow any more as the City Council defends. That pleaded to work that the cruisers spend more and more complete days in the city.

Along these lines Torres also defended the Hermitage: “We cannot afford the message that things happen in Barcelona and they are not done. It has to be done because otherwise we will send negative messages, ”he said. “The great debate here is location,” he clarified.

The President of Turisme pointed out that the Barcelona Convention Bureau continues to work on more than 130 candidates for the next five years. Business tourism is a priority, but he also defended working in the field of sporting events – the Winter Games reappeared in passing -, the cultural field – although he recognized budgetary limitations – or science … As well as everything related with universities and business schools. “There is a long way to go,” said Torres, who also stated that Barcelona’s collaboration with the rest of the territory is “fundamental” and defended intensifying the relationship with the Tourism Agency of the Generalitat de Catalunya. “The gateway is Barcelona,” he said.

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