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Tunisia Refuses 60 Million Euros in European Aid: A Clash between Tunisia and Europe over Money

EPATunisian President Saied (photo from July 2023)

NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 13:44

Tunisia has refused an amount of 60 million euros in European aid and refunded it to a European account. Sources within the European Commission confirmed this to NOS.

This concerns money that Tunisia received as part of the migration deal with the EU. Tunisia would limit the number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean via Tunisia in exchange for economic support.

There is open conflict between Tunisia and Europe about money. The Tunisian government described the money as a tip. The country says it is open to serious cooperation, but will not simply accept “charity”.

“Tunisia does not beg,” Tunisian Foreign Minister Ammar said in an interview. Earlier, responsible European Commissioner Varhelyi called on Tunisia to return the money.

It is unclear what the consequences of the decision will be for the negotiations between Tunisia and the EU. Both parties discussed the precise details of the agreement.

Outgoing Prime Minister Rutte is one of the driving forces behind the migration deal. He traveled to Tunis in July with Italian Prime Minister Meloni and Commission President Von der Leyen to make appointments with President Saied.

EU correspondent Kysia Hekster about this development:

“This is starting to take on embarrassing proportions. It is a series of painful events for the European Union. For example, President Saied previously refused an EU negotiating delegation access to his country. The European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee was also not included.

The intention was to reach further agreements with Tunisia after the summer, but now there appears to be not much left of the deal. Critics immediately said that Saied is not a reliable business partner. That is now becoming painfully clear.

It could also be Saied’s tactic, for domestic purposes. Many Tunisians like it when the president opposes the EU. He may also be betting that he will ultimately bring in more for his country in this way.”

2023-10-11 11:44:36
#Tunisia #returns #money #migration #deal #Europe

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